本帖最后由 changdv 于 2015-8-10 11:30 编辑
獨立溫馨舒適祖母房位於Runcorn安靜街道, 鄰近於Warrigal Square, Runcorn Plaza兩大購物中心步行約8分鐘. 步行7分鐘即可到達公車站, 多輛公車可達City, Garden City, Griffith Uni, Sunnybank 等地. 交通四通八達, 火車站也近在呎尺. 獨立的現代式廚房, 衛浴室, 客廳, 及洗衣間. 全新木質地板和油漆. 有完全屬於自己的生活空間. 適合情侶, 夫妻, 好友或兄弟姐妹同住. 含傢俱, 家電. 乾淨整齊明亮, 包上網, 水, 電, 即可入住. 歡迎愛乾淨及不吸煙人士, 物超所值, 看了一定會喜歡.
A great granny flat is avaliable for a couple or two close friends or sister and brothers. Located in quite and nice suburb of Runcorn. Closes to Warrigal Square and Runcorn Plaza shopping centres by 8 mins walking and only take 7 mins to bus stop, not far from 2 trains station too. Separate entry, morden kitchen, dinning, living room, bathroom, and laundry. Newly painted and new floor. Fully furnished, inbult wardrobe. Clean, tidy and bright. Preferably non smoker, clean and tidy persons. Avalible now.