1, do rev check to make sure the car's finance free. then ask him for RWC and rego paper.
2, grab a check from ur bank
3, meet him up and get him to fill out and SIGN the rego transfer form.
4, make sure u've got RWC, rego transfer form, his rego paper, ur proof of ID and proof of ur garage address.
5, give him the bank check. make sure it's BANK CHECK
6, say BYE to him and enjoy ur new ride.
7, hand over the transfer paper and all the proof and stuff to any QLD rego services within 14days and u'll be right.
一般步骤,看车,拍板(当然包括定具体价格砍价,加上一个drive away价格,,no more to pay),付押金一般500刀,然后让他去做RWC这个99%车会提供的(提供不了的别买)然后做完后有两周步骤,,一种是付完所有款,他签完名,你拿着单子去过户(别忘了18+),然后车就是你的了(我买车都是这样的),还有就是让他陪你去(如果他肯)完成过户后你把所有钱给他。
1, do rev check to make sure the car's finance free. then ask him for RWC and rego paper.
2, grab a check from ur bank
3, meet him up and get him to fill out and SIGN the rego transfer form.
4, mak ...
心死了的人 发表于 2010-2-4 13:11