Are you looking for a 家教tutor?

本帖最后由 cathywinter 于 2014-5-9 15:38 编辑


我是在UQ读教育和科学双学位的学生,中英文都非常的流利,在澳洲高中以全校第一的毕业,并取得了数学,化学,中文,ESL 单科奖!我非常希望可以在读书之余找一份做家教的兼职,积累经验也补贴家用。希望有意者联系我哦: 0423471910 或者邮箱: [email protected]


In English:

I am a Bachelor of Science/Education(Secondary) student at UQ. I can speak fluent English and Chinese (Mandarin)and I am early looking for a job as a Mandarin, High school Chemistry, Maths A,Maths B, ESL tutor as I got subject awards for all of these areas last year. Iam also willing to help anyone who is interested in doing Mandarin as theirsecond language or even primary school kids who would like to have some extrahelp for Maths, Chinese and Science. Please do not hesitate to contact me!

phone: 0423471910
email: [email protected]

I am waiting to heAR from you!

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