堪培拉 大型建筑公司可以提供至少4个工作职位:会计、建筑工程师、各种经理或其他相关职位。 经面试合格后可以提供457和RSMS偏远地区雇主担保移民
The purpose of the 457 visa program is to enable employers to fill skill shortages by recruiting qualified overseas workers where they cannot find appropriately skilled Australians. The 457 visa is a temporary visa, intended for filling short to medium term skill shortages, in a quick, flexible way to meet business needs. The program contains a number of in-built protections to prevent local workers' conditions from being undercut and overseas workers from being exploited. The program was significantly reformed in 2009: why are further changes necessary? The Worker Protection Act 2008 introduced a sponsorship framework which was designed to ensure the working conditions of sponsored visa holders meet Australian standards. These reforms have been largely effective in achieving their objective. While the subclass 457 visa program is meeting its overall intent, there are external factors influencing program trends. The 457 program has expanded well above the national employment growth rate, and while most employers are using the subclass 457 appropriately, the nature of the program’s use by some employers indicates that the criteria is not being fully met. Additionally, the Australian economy is very buoyant compared to many other countries, which makes us an attractive destination for people who may be facing high unemployment and low wages at home. Within the program, significant growth was recorded in 2011-12 from applicants applying from onshore who held a working holiday maker visa or student visa. These subclass 457 visa applicants held mostly vocational qualifications, and in some industries accounted for over half of total grants. This trend suggests the program is being increasingly used by temporary visa holders seeking to remain in Australia instead of supplementing the Australian labour forces. What are the new measures?
On 23 February 2013, the Ministerfor Immigration and Citizenship announced a number of reforms to the subclass457 program. These reforms are aimed at strengthening the Department ofImmigration and Citizenship’s capacity to identify and prevent employer practicesthat are not in keeping with the criteria of the subclass 457 program. 2月23日,移民部长宣布了一系列对雇主担保457签证的改革措施,其旨在增强移民局对于不按照457项目要求进行操作的雇主的甄别和防范的能力。 The measures being brought forwardinclude: 这些措施包括: · theintroduction of a genuineness criterion under which the department may refuse a nomination if the positiondoes not fit within the scope of the activities of the business · 引进一套规范体制,若提名的职位不在其正常商业活动之内,移民局可以驳回该提名申请。 · an increase in market salary exemption threshold from $180 000 to $250 000 to ensure that higher paid salary workers are not able tobe undercut through the employment of overseas labour at a cheaper rate · 将市场薪水豁免门槛从18万提高到25万澳币,以保证高薪工人的薪水不会受到低薪海外劳工的冲击。 · the removal of English languageexemptions for certain positions. Many long-term 457 workers go onto apply for permanent residence, and this change will ensure that the 457program requirements are brought into line with the permanent Employer Sponsored program which requires a vocational English(Vocational English 就是雅思4个5分--优本移民服务注) ability.This change will benefit visaholders by ensuring that 457 visa holders, who have an ongoing position withtheir employer and want to apply for permanent residence in the long-run arenot disadvantaged because of their language ability. Applicants who arenominated with a salary greater than $92 000 will continue to be exempted fromthe English language requirement · 移除一些职位的英语豁免。 许多持有长期457工作签证的工人会申请永久居民,这些变化将使457工作签证的语言要求和雇主担保永久居民的要求相一致(也许是暗示以后457签证申请PR的时候依然是4个5的雅思要求),即要达到职业英语的要求(Vocational English就相当于雅思4个5分,)这样将使拥有长期雇主担保职位的457签证持有者在申请永久居民的过程中因其较强的英语能力而受益。 而年薪高于92000澳币的申请人将继续拥有英语语言豁免。 · enhanced regulatory powers for thedepartment to ensure that the working conditions of sponsored visa holders meetAustralian standards and that subclass 457 workers cannot be exploited or usedto undercut local workers · 加强移民部的监管权力以保证雇主担保签证持有人的工作条件符合澳大利亚的标准且此项目不会被滥用而消减本地劳工的工作机会 · amendments to existing trainingbenchmark provisions to clarify that an employer’s obligation to trainAustralians is ongoing and binding for the duration of their approvedsponsorship, including for newly established business · 修正现有的基准检查程序的规定,再次阐明:在整个雇主担保期间,其对澳洲本地劳工的的培训须是不间断的,包括新设立的生意。 · amendments to clarify that 457workers may not be on-hired to an unrelated entity unless they are sponsoredunder a labour agreement · 修正案澄清:持457签证的工人不能被不相干的实体所雇佣,除非是在劳动合约中被担保。 · amendments which will allow thedepartment to refund a visa application fee in circumstances where anemployer nomination has been withdrawn. · 在该修正案中同意当雇主撤回提名申请时移民局同意退回签证申请费
What is the intent of these measures? The Department of Immigration and Citizenship’s capacity to detect and respond to the integrity concerns is limited by current legislation. The new measures will strengthen the integrity framework without adversely affecting visa application processing times and ensure that the potential impact on business is minimised. The measures will ensure the subclass 457 program better meets its overarching intent of acting as a supplement to, rather than a substitute for the Australian labour market. The measures will also close loopholes in the current legislative and policy settings to ensure that the program can only be used by appropriately skilled persons and to fill genuine skills shortages. This will enable Australians workers to have fair and equal access to employment opportunities. Further, the measures will strengthen the sponsorship obligations to ensure that the working conditions of sponsored visa holders meet Australian standards and that they are not exploited. Strengthening the sponsorship obligations will also provide further disincentive to use the program in a manner which was not intended. When will the changes happen?这些措施将在何时实施?
The comprehensive suite of measures will be introduced on 1 July 2013. In the lead up to the changes, detailed information will be made available to assist sponsors and visa holders and their representatives understand the new requirements. 这套综合性的措施将于2013年7月1日被引进。在实施过程中,移民局将会提供详细的信息以帮助雇主、签证持有人及其代理人明白新措施的要求。 How will the changes affect Australian businesses? The changes will not adversely affect the vast majority of employers who are using the program appropriately. The changes will, however, strengthen the government's capacity to identify and prevent employer practices that are not in keeping with the purpose of the 457 program. How will the changes affect current 457 visa holders? There should be no adverse effects on existing visa holders if they are already doing the right thing. The 457 visa is a temporary visa, intended for filling short to medium term skill shortages, in a quick, flexible way to meet business needs. The Worker Protection reforms which took effect in September 2009 introduced a range of sponsorship obligations to ensure the working conditions of sponsored visa holders meet Australian standards and that they are not exploited. How will the changes affect future 457 visa applicants? The vast majority of 457 visa applicants who are genuine will not be affected by the changes. In some circumstances applicants whose applications are processed after 1 July 2013 may be required to provide further evidence to demonstrate their claims for a 457 visa. What affect will the changes have on addressing real skills shortage problems? Where employers can demonstrate a genuine need for skilled workers from overseas, they will still be able to sponsor people to fill skills gaps. Employers who make genuine attempts to open job opportunities up to Australians, who pay appropriate market rates and who are committed to the ongoing training and up-skilling of Australians will still have access to the subclass 457 program to supplement their skilled workforce. What is labour market testing and how has it been used in the past? Traditional forms of labour market testing involves advertising the position prominently in national and local newspapers, trade magazines and/or on job seeker websites over a number of weeks to prove that no suitably qualified Australians could be found for the position. In the past, by the time an employer approached the Government to sponsor a skilled worker from overseas, they had already tested the local labour market thoroughly. However, they were still forced to go through the prescribed process which usually involved extra costs and delays for the employer. Why is the government not reintroducing Labour Market Testing? The 457 program is an important part of how Australia meets a number of our international trade obligations. These obligations mean we can't limit access to our economy of people who wish to do business with us. Part of doing business with us often involves sourcing skilled labour from other countries. Australia must remain open for business people and service providers and the reforms to the 457 program will not adversely impact these obligations. What incentives are there to encourage employers to employ Australians first? The 457 sponsorship requirements ensure that if a suitably qualified and experienced Australian is readily available to work where needed, employers will look to them first. If a suitably qualified Australian worker is readily available and acceptable, they are the more preferable option because it is comparatively less expensive to source a local worker. There are significant costs to the employer when sponsoring a 457 worker. These costs include:
- paying sponsorship and nomination fees
- costs of recruitment
- providing equal terms and conditions including paying market rates
- maintaining a financial commitment to training levels
- being liable for the cost of return travel to the person's country of origin.
When these costs are factored in, it is more expensive to employ an overseas worker than a local worker of the same skills and experience.
优 本 移 民 留 学 服 务
经验丰富的优本移民留学服务Uhakbench 公司总部位于在布里斯班City CBD Level 2,190 Edward St (GUCCI专卖店的楼上) 有多年的留学签证和移民签证的经验,竭诚为您提供优质服务!
经验最丰富:优本移民留学服务 Uhakbench公司有多年的雇主担保和移民签证的经验,2012年成功为80多位海外人士找到雇主担保,并有40多人已经拿到PR。专业、专心、竭诚为您提供最优质服务! 集团化运营:与多家澳人经营的公司、工厂、餐馆等生意合作,提供各种职位的工作及移民担保服务。现可立即申请的职位请见下表 一站式体验:从申请学校、留学签证开始到探亲、实习、工作、移民一站式服务,为您在澳洲的发展铺平道路! 最全面服务:办理包括技术移民、投资移民、457雇主担保工作签证、雇主担保移民、家庭团聚、留学、转学、实习、及短期商务考察邀请等所有相关服务。 (昆洲最大的羊毛被厂刚刚开工,大量职位招聘中:会计、市场、销售、工人、招聘经理、网站设计、平面设计、工程师、机械师、纺织品相关职位等等!可提供457雇主担保和ENS偏远地区雇主担保移民) (西澳矿业公司招聘20名卡车驾驶员,要求雅思5分或以上,有大车驾照及工作经验,经面试合格后可以提供457雇主担保和RSMS偏远地区雇主担保移民
457签证简介 457签证是澳洲政府为澳洲企业从海外引进各类专业人士或者技术工人而设立的一种临时工作签证。可办理457签证的工种有400多个,其中包括各类经理,专业人员,技工等。签证的有效期为3个月至4年不等,雇员在澳洲工作满2年后(IELTS4个5)或直接(IELTS 4个6)可以申请雇主担保移民(ENS/RSMS-偏远地区雇主担保移民)。 澳大利亚雇主给予申请人的工资不能低于政府公布的最低年薪。申请人一经雇主雇佣,即可享受带薪病假、一年4星期年假等福利。除此之外,雇主还有义务为雇员支付养老金,申请人享受所有政府规定的休假、养老保险、加班工资等待遇。中国申请人的配偶可以在澳洲全职工作,18岁以下子女可免费接受公立中、小学教育。 457签证申请条件 ● 有澳大利亚雇主担保提名职业;
● 满足提名职业要求的技能和经验,如果申请的是技工类职业,还需通过职业评估(TRA)
● 雅思不低于4个5,或者满足劳工协议中规定的英语水平;
● 如果提名职位要求,需持有相关的登记许可或资格证书;
● 所有申请人都需要购买健康保险。 457签证申请流程 457签证申请过程分为三个步骤:
如果是在线递交签证申请,你可以将所需材料上传到移民局网站。如果你无法在线上传资料,你可以将资料扫描并通过电子邮件发送给CO (Case officer)。扫描件必须是PDF格式。
Available Sponsorship List
1. Location : Brisbane / Sunshine coast Visa : ENS/457/RSMS
Available positions : Chef/cook 厨师 Hair dresser 理发师 Metal polisher 金属抛光师 Accountant 会计 Textile, clothing mechanic 纺织机械工 Web designer 网页设计 Marketing specialist 市场营销 Education manager 教育经理 Sales and marketing manager 销售和市场经理 IT 信息技术 Welder 电焊工 Recruitment officer 招聘主管 Engineer 工程师
Visa procedure : 1) 457 transition stream - Candidate will pay for the duration of 2 years, the taxes according to a $50,000 Salary annual pay.
2) ENS/RSMS direct entry stream - After granting the PR visa, the applicant must pay taxes for 3 to 6 months. All processing fees are included except the application fee to the immigration department.
2. Location : Canberra Visa : RSMS/ENS Business : Construction company Position : Marketing specialist sales manager, project manager, IT etc.. The number of recruitment : 4 people 3 Location : Canberra Visa : RSMS/ENS Business : Tiling company Position : Marketing specialist sales manager, project manager, IT etc.. The number of recruitment : 2 people Condition : Needs to provide working evidence for at least 3 months on a Full-Time basis from this employer if we process RSMS according to policy stated in RCB of ACT. The candidate needs to provide proof of payment through the evidence of taxes for 3 months from the employer that will lodge the visa if successful.
优本可提供的服务 Student Visa 留学签证 Review Application 申请材料审查 Employer Sponsored Migration 雇主担保移民 Temporary Work Placement 457工作签证 Business Skills Entry 商业移民 Family Member Migration 家庭团聚 Bridge Visa 过桥签证 Special Migration 特殊移民
注册移民代理Mrs. H Kim 7年从业经验,无数成功案例 MARA注册号:638093 Justice of Peace Number: 181232
有意者请联系UHAKBENCH 优本移民留学服务:
City Office:Level 2 190 Edward Street Brisbane 4000
Acacia Office:26 Achievement Cresent Acacia Ridge 4110
Gary Si (中文) Mobile:0411773506 QQ:763876591
[email protected]
Jenny Chang (英文)
level 2, 190 Edward St. QLD 4000
TEL : 07-3211-2141 / 070-4624-1067