SWEET homestay!! $170/pw

   地點 : ZONE 5,距離公車站3分鐘的走路距離, 130 直達市區!

環境 :純住宅區,安靜.是一間大房子,與友善的一家人同住!(一對新加坡夫婦,兩個小男孩和

價格 :$170/pw 單人房.衣櫃,床,枕頭,棉被.包含水電,網路和早晚餐!(home 媽精通各國料理,

誠徵 :乾淨和善的好女孩

聯絡方式 :Uma 0402523283

PS.是個練英文的好地方喔!! 她們的母語是英文!!程度低可以跟小孩練,程度高可以跟大人


Looking for a female tenant, a good place to practice English!!!

Address: Zone 5, 3 mins away from the bus stop, bus 130 direct to city.

Quiet neighbourhood in Drewvale, a big house for a friendly family and two lovely children. There is also a golden retriever by the name of Russell.

$170 per week, own room with bed, pillow
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