Rhodes 钢琴教学私人课程(演奏课、视唱练耳、乐理课)!超值价$35/h !! 双人报更优惠

Want to learn music ?  If so, don't waste your time and apply now: You are the next musician! Learn Piano Today !
I have experience in effective practice, playing and performing and Level 8 certification.  I have taught piano and musical theory to students in Cantonese and Mandarin in China. My students have included people from all ages, ranging from various musical backgrounds. 无论你是什么基础,什么年龄,什么背景,踏上你的音乐之路吧~~超值价教学$35/h !!    $45/90mins!! 练琴$10/h!!PS: 时间灵活安排,非常适合上班族和学生党~~  (两人+ 上课更优惠~)
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