性价比超高二手物卖出啦 布里斯班黄金海岸都可以

联系电话 0403606619或微信teta3123
图1 LivingStone吉他九成新,调音过并配2根备用弦,证书齐全只要$20,你没有听错只要$20
。LivingStone Guitar, almost brand new and 2 spare strings provided. All for $20.

图2 三本高质量笔记本和文件夹,交作业装逼利器。一共$5全拿走。All folder and Chinese style notebooks altogether for $5

图3 南侨洗衣皂 6块装,内衣袜子清洗良器。也只要$5。Chinese special traditional soap for intimates(Underwear) 6packs for $5

图4 篮球(垃圾的橡胶球,但是是斯伯丁的)、橄榄球、充气筒放在一起$10。充气筒原价就$12。Basketball, Rugby and the pump altogether for $10

图5-7 CASIO-WK200卡西欧超高质量电子琴!!!我不走我才不卖呢!!踏板支架谱架什么都配好$150,拿走的人请照顾好她。CASIO-WK200 Piano with high quality and equipped with all shelves and pedal. With price of only $180.

联系电话 0403606619或微信teta3123

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