
本帖最后由 tuee 于 2013-12-20 08:34 编辑

All stuffs are used but in the good condition, quite new. As the owner is going to move to other state have to sell it. The goods are listed below:

rice cooker电饭煲 $15
vacuum cleaner吸尘器$30
kettle烧水壶 $15
laundry rack晾衣架 $12
clothes hanger(2)挂衣架$12ea
shoe rack鞋架$10
large storage box(3)大储物箱$5ea
small storage box(1)小储物箱$3
laundry basket large size(2)大洗衣篮$3ea
washing basket洗衣桶$2
kitchen dustbin大厨房垃圾桶$8
toliet dustbin厕所垃圾桶$4
fying pan煎锅$4
water filter滤水器$12
glass container set(9 pieces in one set)玻璃碗9件套装$12
Vileda’s ultraMax mop and bucket set( with 2new cloths) 拖把和桶(2个新配套布)$15
Fan force heater 热电风扇$12
high pressure cooker高压锅$50
portable cooker小熊便利煮饭煲$20
laser printer激光打印机$30 with one black cartride(5000pages) $60
Netcomn modern N604 $90(nearly new将近全新)
text me for your enquires and reseve it, all these item will be sold on 7th of Jan of 2014
tina0406023748 or [email protected]

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