
我15号收到南洋的email确认信,昨天晚上(23号)一回家就收到这封email,是那个Lim Lay Hoon寄过来的,具体内容看下:
Application for Higher Degree Admission by Research
We refer to your application for our higher degree programme.
The School have carefully considered your application and regret to inform you that it has not been successful.
Please note that the decision is final and the reasons for rejection are confidential.
Thank you for your interest in our University.
yours sincerely

Lim Lay Hoon
Office of Academic Services
Graduate Studies Branch
Nanyang Technological University

我申请的是MPhil in the School of EEE,没考G/T,只给了IELTS成绩(6.5).不过最错的就是我在申请表单只写了要奖学金才能读,没提及可以自费,郁闷啊。不知道现在再寄一次,写自费申请行不行。

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