
PTE的大作文通常是最不被考生重视的题型之一,主要原因在于:1. 机考的评分特性使得逻辑结构的要求大大降低2. 模板以及套句的写法一定程度上来说也可以拉升成绩总的来说,PTE的写作的确比雅思要容易太多。BUT!某位名人曾经说过:战略上可以藐视敌人,但战术上要重视敌人。今天,就让我们认真审视审视这个敌人吧!
PTE的写作大作文方面有以下评分点:1. Content 内容(扣题,共3分)2. Form 格式(字数200-300,共2分)3. Written Discourse 写作套路(共2+2分)- Development, Structure and Cohesion 段落链接(连接词)- General Linguistic Range 语言表述(句式以及修辞)4. Grammar 语法(多样性+正确性,共2分)5. Vocabulary Range 词汇量(多样性,共2分)6. Spelling 拼写(正确性,共2分)
整体说,如果写完后好好检查,Form + Grammar + Spelling的6分势在必得。如果你只靠套模版,不管语法Grammar和形式Form,那么可以肯定的说,你的大作文分数不会高。形式和语法是大作文的基础,各位考生一定要注意不要在这方面丢分!词汇相关的Vocabulary Range + Content的5分属于基础能力,一般很难短时间内提高。可以迅速拉升的成绩,往往跟Written Discourse有关。段落链接方面只要保证每句话都使用不同的连接词,其实很容易提升。
今天我们要学习的主要是关于General Linguistic Range方面的技巧。那么在这方面有哪些可用的套路呢?赶快来看一看吧!
- Facts and StatisticsInclude evidence from credible research.写作的时候,不妨通过套用数据的方式来加强自己的论点。Example: ‘Eighty-five per cent of Australia’s populationlives in urban areas.’
- Formal ToneUsing correct grammar and language, rather than casual orcolloquial forms.使用相对书面的语言表述。毕竟PTE是Academic English Test,不会接受太过口语化的内容。Example: ‘We believe that students should be given lesshomework.’ (Not ‘I reckon we get too much homework.’)
- Expert TestimonyQuoting from recognised experts relevant to the topic.套用专家的话语。在PTE中,内容方面不会考证,所以专家之类的内容都可以自己编。Example: ‘Climate change scientist Dr. Tim Smith states that…’
- ExamplesIncluding clear examples of your point from real life.举例是一个大家往往会去使用,但有有些用不好的句式。其实举例的核心在于细致,给出更多的细节描述,往往能够获得更好的成绩。Example: ‘One way of cutting carbon emissions is toencourage more bicycle use, such as in Paris, where the city provides free bikerental to both local residents and foreign tourists.’
- Counter ArgumentsIdentifying a potential opposing argument and pointing outits flaws or weakness.PTE可以采用反驳的写法,因为电脑的批改基本无法区别观点的方向。另外,反驳论往往能够给我们带来跟多的词汇以及观点。Example: ‘Some people might argue that climate change is anatural phenomenon, but they ignore the fact that the rate of change hasincreased since industrialisation.’
- Jargon and other Sophisticated LanguageUsing subject-specific language.Jargon指的是一些专业术语。在大作文的题目涉及自己学过的专业内容时,不妨使用一些术语,这样能够很大程度上来说提高自己的词汇分数。Example: ‘emissions trading’; ‘carbon-neutral economy’
- Rule of ThreeIncluding a series of three ideas to create a mnemonic.尼采曾说:重要的事情要说三遍。写作的时候,不妨对一个形容词做一个同意替换,让它出现3种不同的形态。这样写会很有利于词汇的提高,以及观点的强化。Example: ‘The culling of kangaroos is cruel, wasteful and adisgrace to our national emblem.’
- Descriptive LanguageUsing descriptive language to paint clear images for thelisteners.描述性语言是英语中用来细化观点的核心。这类语言表述我们通常在新闻报道里会经常看到。Example: ‘The river, once sparkling and pristine, is nowdank, brown and evil-smelling.’
- Figurative LanguageUsing figurative language – metaphor and simile.比喻的修辞手法其实在英语里也有哦,大家可以通过这样的方式拓宽词汇的限制。Example: ‘The fires were hotter than hell.’ Or ‘Success is abastard as it has many fathers, and failure is an orphan, with no takers.’
- Emotional LanguageEmotionally charged words would better arouse the sympathyof the readers.哪怕在议论文中,其实也是可以适当地写一下情绪化的语句。这种写法在现实中可以增强与读者的共鸣,在PTE中也可以通过词语的褒贬义来进一步表明自身的观点。。Example: ‘It will be the end of the world as we know it.’
- AnecdotesAdding personal stories to illustrate particular points.开头段不知道怎么复述背景吗?没有关系,我们完全可以通过一段轶事来引入话题。这类写法在老外的新闻评论里可是非常常见的。Example: ‘In my local community, I started a recyclingawareness program with just two people and a small garage.’
模板对于Written Discourse的提分是可怕的,合理地使用模板可以使Written Discourse这一项轻易达到90满分,但这并不意味着你的大作文整体就能拿到满分,也不能说明写作部分就能拿到满分。盲目而频繁套用模板往往会导致严重的后果:词汇以及内容的重大缺失。为什么会出现这样的结果呢?原因很简单,大量使用套句的代价是关键词的减少。所以在参考技巧的同时,也请大家注意词汇语法的积累,毕竟坚实的语言基础才是PTE中最重要的能力之一。
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