Affect /effect傻傻分不清楚?你要知道的全在这儿啦~


Affect最基本的用法是一个动词,意思是:to influence or make a difference。翻译成中文是,去影响和改变。例句有:
-->Research suggests that the neighborhood you live in can affect how well your children perform at school.
--> The long periods of separation never affected her love for her mother.
--> Continuous rain since mid-June has resulted in widespread flooding, affecting over 119 million people.
--> He is in no doubt that thousands of people will be seriously affected if this proposal becomes a reality.
而effect则即可兼做名词及动词。虽然名词性的用法比动词更加常见。但作为名词时,effect常常包含着一种结果在里面。即‘a result or an influence'
--> It was clear that the strong windy conditions were going to have an immediate effect on the result of the game.
--> The beneficial effects of exercise are well documented.
--> Corporations need to think about the long-term effects of their actions.
--> The legislation had the effect of pushing up the cost of houses.
在作为动词时:effect的意思是“to bring something about as a result”。常常被用来在较为正式的上下文中。例如,撰写报告中,而不是日常交流。
--> The couple had been separated for two years, but her boyfriend tried to effect a reconciliation.
--> A Royal Commission appointed in 1906 effected several reforms.
--> Governments can mobilize the political will and resources to effect change when they choose to.
A bout of rheumatic fever in his youth had affected his health throughout his life.
Participants were asked to volunteer for a study looking at the effects of stress on their health.
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