CBS' freshman drama, which follows a modern-day Sherlock Holmes (Jonny Lee Miller) and his distaff Watson (Lucy Liu), has landed the coveted post-Super Bowl timeslot on Sunday, Feb. 3, the network announced Monday.
Elementary, which is slated to air at 10/9c on Super Bowl Sunday, has been dominating Thursday nights for CBS, averaging 14.2 million viewers and a 3.5 in the 18 to 49 demographic, ranking as the No. 2 new series on TV this season behind CBS' Vegas (with 14.5 million viewers).
《福尔摩斯:演绎法》常规播放时间为每周四,该剧平均收视人数1420万,18-49岁收视率3.5,收视十分稳健。它在所有新剧中收视率排名第二,紧随CBS台新剧《拉斯维加斯往事》(Vegas 平均1450万)
The 2012 Super Bowl on NBC drew 111.3 million viewers, which boosted its post-Bowl fare, The Voice, to 37.6 million viewers, 47 percent better than the post-Super Bowl airing of Glee in 2011.
在超级碗的超强收视带领下,随后播出的剧集收视率将极度飙升。播映超级碗的电视台常常通过该黄金时间段推广剧集。2012年NBC台超级碗收视人数1亿1130万人,随后播出的《美国之声》(The Voice)收视人数狂飙到3760万,较2011年FOX台在超级碗后播出的《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)收视率上升47%。
Have you been keeping up with Elementary?
你期待《福尔摩斯:演绎法》接下来的精彩剧情吗? |