
The passage implies that which of the following is a possible consequence of a company’s adoption of innovations that increase its ecoefficiency?
Company profits resulting from such innovations may be reinvested in that company with no guarantee that the company will continue to make further improvements in ecoefficiency.
Company growth fostered by cost savings from such innovations may allow that company to manufacture a greater number of products that will be used and discarded, thus worsening environmental stress.
A company that fails to realize significant cost savings from such innovations may have little incentive to continue to minimize the environmental impact of its production processes.
A company that comes to depend on such innovations to increase its profits and growth may be vulnerable in the global market to competition from old-style eco-inefficient industries.
A company that meets its ecoefficiency goals is unlikely to invest its increased profits in the development of new and innovative ecoefficiency measures.
A 解释了一个战术为什么比预计的更成功(方向都不对,干掉)
B 一种方法会造成一定的损坏(沾边,先放着)
C 提出追求一种方法会产生可能的结果(沾边,也放着)
D 一种方法应用面会更广(没说,干掉)
E 一个公司不能理解一个方法对经济的影响之后对这个公司产生的影响(没说,干掉)

10 此题是个细节,根据exclusive pursuit of ecoefficiency 来定位,我们会定位到最后一句话,读一下:关注ecoefficiency可能会让公司不关注生产不同的产品和model,看看五个选项中哪个和我读的这个意思有点关系,只有A

11 此题也是个细节题目,根据题干中的 companies’ realization of greater profits through ecoefficiency来定位,我们可以定位到文章的28行左右: since in today’s global markets, greater profits may be turned into investment capital that could easily be reinvested in old-style eco-inefficient industries.  大概读成的意思是盈利后会把钱投资到一些不环保的工业上。看看五个选项
A 公司以低价卖商品(不沾,干掉)
B 公司把钱投资到全球市场(至少说投资了,先留着)
C 利润会投资到环保领域(原文说投资到非环保领域,反了,干掉)
D 利润会投资到非环保领域(沾边,先放着)
E 利润会刺激公司创新(没有,干掉)

12 问题问的是采用ecoefficiency会产生的结果是什么,根据文章脉络我知道这个结果肯定对环境不好,答案得和这个意思沾点,我们来看看五个选项
A 整体读完是个好事情,我读完这个结果应该是个坏事情,干掉
B 读完确实说了对环境不好,先放着
C 也和环境得影响有点关系,放着
D 和对环境不好没关系,干掉
E 和对环境不好没关系,干掉
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