2013版新GMAT OG逻辑题目解析(第5题)

The Maxilux car company’s design for its new luxury model, the Max 100, included a special design for the tires that was intended to complement the model’s image. The winning bid for supplying these tires was submitted by Rubco. Analyst concluded that the bid would only just cover Rubco’s cost on the tires, but Rubco executives claim that winning the bid will actually a profit for the company.
M汽车公司为它新的豪华车Max 100的设计包括轮胎的特殊设计,是为了弥补这种车型的不足。提供这种轮胎的中标公司是R。分析者得出结论这个标只能弥补成本,但是R的总裁宣称赢得这个标实际上将会为公司赚取利润。
Which of the following, if true, most strongly justifies the claim made by Rubco’s executives?
(A) In any Maxilux model, the spare tire is exactly the same make and model as the tires that are mounted on the wheels.
(B) Rubco holds exclusive contracts to supply Maxilux with the tires for a number of other models made by Maxilux.
(C) The production facilities for the Max 100 and those for the tires to be supplied by Rubco are located very near each other.
Max 100的生产设备和R所提供的轮胎的生产设备离得非常近。
(D) When people who have purchased a carefully designed luxury automobile need to replace a worn part of it, they almost invariably replace it with a part of exactly the same make and type.
(E) When Maxilux awarded the tire contract to Rubco, the only criterion on which Rubco’s bid was clearly ahead of its competitors’ bids was price.
A 其他车型的轮胎跟R公司的竞标没有任何关系,无关选项。
B R是否为M提供其他的轮胎跟这种轮胎能不能赚取没有任何关系,无关选项。
C 生产设备的问题和R的这次竞标能不能赚钱没有任何关系,无关选项。
D 如果人们在轮胎换了之后都想买一模一样的原装轮胎,那么如果R给M提供轮胎,它不仅赢得了出场车轮胎市场,还赢得了替换车胎市场,加强了文章结论,R的中标会给他们带来利润。正确。
E R公司的优胜点是价格的话,意味着R的轮胎售价更低,利润更低,不能加强文章结论。
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