
  There is no consensus among the people as to the view of _________ (主题). Some people hold the idea that _______________________ (观点A).
  A case in point is that_____________________________ (支持观点A 的例子).
  On the other hand, others may have a quite different view. According to them,______________ (观点B). The most typical example is that __________ (支持观点B 的例子).
  Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter.
  Admittedly, the former point of view seems reasonable in saying to some extent, but the latter is more convincing.
  ___________ (主题) is a common occurrence in our lives. The attitudes toward this issue vary from person to person. Some people tend to ______________ when they are asked_________________ (观点A) because _______________________ (支持观点A 的原因).
  The most typical example is that ____________________________ (支持观点A 的例子).
  However, others argue that ________________________ (观点B). They point out that_______________________ (重申观点B) for the reason that _______________ (支持观点B的原因).
  As far as I am concerned, I will choose to __________________ (你的观点) because this choice fits
  my personality and my life-long belief.
  _________________________________ (所给格言或谚语). This is a proverb full of logic. By this proverb, it is meant that ____________________________ (解释该格言或谚语的内涵). In other words, ______________________________ (换言之的解释). Indeed, we can learn many things from it.
  Examples can easily be found to makethis point clearer. ____________ (例子1) is a case in point. Another case is that ______________ (例子2).
  Whatever you do, please remember the saying “________________________ (该格言或谚语)”. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you’ll necessarily benefit a lot from it.
  The good old proverb, __________________________ (所给格言或谚语), reminds us that ___________________ ( 诠释该格言或谚语). On the one hand,________________________ (详述1). On the other hand, ______________________ (详述2).
  Take _____________ (某相关事例) for example. _____________________ (展开论述).
  However, it is easier said than done. Practice is the most important factor. Only when you pay attention to it can you hold it sooner or later.
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