我现在的情况是:父母的亲属移民排期已经到了(F4类),正等待面试,但我早超过21岁未成年儿童的年龄,按照旧法,我是不能随同去美国的。由于美国政府在August 6, 2002签署了一份《儿童身份保护法案》,规定只要申请移民时的年龄小于21岁,即便面试时实际年龄已经超过21,仍能作为延伸受益人随父母一起移民。
Under the CSPA, if you are a lawful permanent resident and you file a Form I-130 on behalf of your child before he or she turns 21, your child抯 age will be determined using the date that the priority date of the Form I-130 becomes current, minus the number of days that the Form I-130 is pending. In addition, your child must seek to acquire the status of a lawful permanent resident within one year of visa availability. This provision also applies to derivative beneficiaries on family-based and employment-based petitions.
1、其中In addition, your child must seek to acquire the status of a lawful permanent resident within one year of visa availability.是什么意思?