Business alumni

Dear Friends,
My name is Wei and I am a doctoral research student from Sciences Po Paris and Loughborough University. I am writing to you to ask your kind consideration to participate my PhD research on Chinese student migration.
My doctoral research project focuses on Chinese student circular migration between China and France. This is a joint project under the supervision of Professors Catherine de Wenden (CERI/CNRS Paris) and Peter Taylor (Loughborough University). My research and fieldwork are currently supported and funded by both universities, Universities’ China Committee in London, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEFUAN) and encouraged by EduFrance, DAAD among others.
The aim of research is to look at Chinese students in both Shanghai and Paris to see how student migration is building up new international network for integrating China into the global economy. I am particularly interested in the career development of Chinese returnees in Shanghai after studying abroad in French business schools. By doing so, I try to investigate the impact of this return migration on Shanghai’s formation as a global city in China and Asia. You may find more information about me and my research in a recent interview by the Delegation of the European Commission in Beijing: (English version) (Chinese version)
For this reason, I will be conducting fieldwork in Shanghai with French business schools alumni to gain an insight of their career patterns. As I know you are a graduate of French institute, I would therefore be grateful if I could have the opportunity to meet you and have an interview with you. It would be a casual semi-structured interview and we will be talking about your studies and careers in China and France and any other issues you wish to discuss.
Regarding the dates, I will be in Shanghai from 5-16 March for the first-round of meetings. It would be great if we could meet up during that period. I am flexible with time and location. Upon your reply, I will send you a brief outline and detailed formality of our meeting in advance so you could have an idea.
Please be sure that all information and data would be treated at the highest confidentiality. With my gratitude to your assistance, I will send you a copy of my fieldwork report and your assistance will be duly acknowledged in my thesis and subsequent publications.
In addition, could you please let me know any other Chinese graduates (and their contacts) from your business school or others in Shanghai or any alumni organisation you are aware of? As I will be in Shanghai from the end of this month, your early response would be greatly appreciated so that I could make preparation and other arrangements well in advance.
I would like to take this chance to thank you very much for taking time reading this email and I look forward to hearing from you soon. For any queries, please feel free to contact me.
Finally, I wish you and your family great New Year of the Dog!
Yours sincerely,

Doctoral research student
Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (CNRS/CERI) &
Department of Geography, Loughborough University
T. +44-(0)78.32194967 F. +44 (0)1509.223930 E. [email protected]
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