号外:《老友记》兄妹感情各悲喜 一个结婚一个离

都说人生如戏,现实生活的戏剧性确实变化莫测。《老友记》中三番离婚的Ross扮演者David Scwhimmer,昨天正式宣布已经与女友秘密结婚四个月;而就在前天,剧中婚姻生活幸福的Ross的小妹妹Monica,她的扮演者Courteney Cox却宣告11年令旁人艳羡的婚姻生活走到尽头。

David Scwhimmer married Zoe Buckman 4 months ago! While Courteney Cox has been separated from husband David Arquette for months in secret, her Friends on-screen brother Ross (real name: David Schwimmer) married his 25 year old girlfriend Zoe Buckman in secret.
        David Scwhimmer和Zoe Buckman四个月前就结婚啦!当Courteney Cox和丈夫David Arquette数月前秘密分居之后,她的好友、荧幕上的哥哥Ross(真名David Scwhimmer)也秘密地和自己25岁的女友Zoe Buckman结婚啦。
Schwimmer played the cool nerd who was smitten with Rachel, who was played by Jennifer Aniston. Courteney Cox was David Schwimmer’s neurotic sister, Monica.
        Schwimmer在片中扮演一个“酷书呆子”,和Jennifer Aniston扮演的Rachel是一对。Courteney Cox演的是他的神经质妹妹Monica。
Schwimmer’s representative told the press that the two have been married for four months. They met in 2007 when the actor was directing the film Run, Fat Boy, Run. Zoe Buckman is British.
        Schwimmer的代言人告诉媒体他和妻子已结婚4个月。Schwimmer是2007年导演《跑、胖子、快跑》一片中结识的女方。Zoe Buckman是英国人(小编:哎哟……没想到兜兜转转竟还是跟"Emily"在一起了。影迷们,你们懂的~)
Courteney Cox and David Arquette have been living separately for months, and so far there are no plans for a divorce. They have been married for 11 years and met while filming Scream in 1993.
        Courteney Cox和David Arquette已分居数月,目前还没有离婚计划。他们结婚有11年之久,在93年拍摄影片《惊声尖叫1》中认识。
Jennifer Aniston also of the Friends cast has starred in a variety of movies, and has been single for several years, after Brad Pitt left her for Angelina Jolie.
        同是《老友记》明星的Jennifer Aniston在其老公Brad Pitt离开她、和Angelina Jolie一起之后,也拍摄了数部电影。
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