瑜伽vs普拉提Pilates vs. Yoga

QIs Pilates better than yoga for strengthening exercises?AThe answer depends to a large degree on what it is you’re trying to strengthen.In general, Pilates exercises, originally developed by the fitness trainer Joseph Pilates, target the core muscles around the spine. If your aim is to strengthen your midsection, then Pilates is a fine choice. In a small but well-designed study last year, nine sedentary women who completed 36 weeks of supervised Pilates training bulked up their abdominal muscles by as much as 20 percent, while also lessening any existing muscular imbalances there.“Pilates can be recommended as an effective method to reinforce the muscles of the abdominal wall and to compensate pre-existing asymmetric developments,” the authors said.But whether such training fortifies the rest of the body is questionable. A review last year of Pilates-related science found little credible evidence that the exercises added muscle or incinerated body fat apart from in the midsection.Yoga, however, especially hatha yoga, with its flowing poses, may strengthen larger sections of the body.“Depending on the specific style, yoga is a quite intensive exercise intervention,” said Holger Cramer, a research fellow in integrative medicine at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, who is studying the physical impact of yoga. A telling 2011 study published in the Asian Journal of Sports Medicine found that after six months of almost-daily sun salutations (a multipart yoga pose) and no other resistance training, young men and women could bench-press significantly more weight and complete far more push-ups and pull-ups than at the start of the study.The upshot? Pilates may be preferable if your primary goal is a solid core, but if you’re hoping to strengthen your upper body and goose your push-up tally, you’ll probably accomplish more with sun salutations and other yoga moves. 译文: 在增强力量方面普拉提比瑜伽效果好吗?在很大程度上取决于你要锻炼哪个部位的肌肉。一般来说,普拉提最初是由健身教练约瑟夫·普拉提(Joseph Pilates)开发的,核心目标在于锻炼脊柱周围的肌肉。如果你的目标是锻炼腹部肌肉,那么普拉提就是一个不错的选择。去年,在一个精心设计的小型研究中,监督九名久坐女性完成36周的普拉提训练,训练的效果是腹部肌肉高达20%,同时也减轻了肌肉分布不均失衡的情况。“对于加强腹壁肌肉并补偿肌肉不对称的情况,可以推荐普拉提这种有效的锻炼方式,”作者说。但是普拉提是否加强身体其他部位的肌肉力量还是个疑问。去年,评审相关普拉提训练的科学性发现,普拉提除了锻炼上腹部肌肉外,对锻炼其它部位的肌肉或燃烧身体脂肪方面的证据不太有说服力。不过,瑜伽,尤其是哈他瑜伽,以其流动性的姿势动作可以加强身体大部分的肌肉力量。“这取决于瑜伽的特定风格,它是一种高强度的运动方式,德国杜伊斯堡市埃森大学综合医学一名研究员霍尔格·克莱默(Holger Cramer)说,他研究瑜伽对身体的影响。2011年发表在《亚洲运动医学杂志》上的研究发现,几乎每天都做拜日式瑜伽练习(一种多个姿势的瑜伽)并且不参加其他训练方式,经过6个月的训练,年轻男性和女性的肌肉力量都增强了,都比研究开始的时候做的俯卧撑、引体向上多。结果吗?如果你的主要目标是锻炼脊柱达到坚实柔韧的程度,那么,普拉提可能会更好,但是如果你想锻炼上半身的肌肉力量可以多做几个俯卧撑,你可能会完成更多的拜日式瑜伽动作和其他瑜伽动作。
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