Ariel Leve - men should never用餐时男士不该做的事情

Last night, while waiting for a friend to arrive at t a restaurant, I decided to scrutinize all the men in the room and note the most unappealing moves. There were the obvious ones: using a Blackberry, nose-picking, etc. But there were also some lesser known moves.
If the goal is to be sexy, here is a list of things a man should never to do in a restaurant:
Licking your fingers.
A handsome man in a suit was licking his fingers after devouring a piece of shrimp tempura. Is this really necessary? That’s why God invented a napkin. Unless you’re at a Bar-B-Q, there’s no reason to lick your fingers. And even at a Bar-B-Q, if you’re over the age of ten, it’s questionable.
Using a bread stick to emphasize your point
Batting the air with a bread stick does not enhance your masculinity. Neither does pretending you’re a conductor and waving it in front of an invisible orchestra while you speak. No one should require a bread stick to communicate with authority. This also applies to a chopstick.
Reading the menu out loud
There was a couple on a date and the man was shouting the menu across the table even though the woman he was with was neither deaf, nor four. She was looking down, reading it for herself. He wasn’t suggesting things either or making comments along the way. He was simply reciting it to her. And because she was British, she was too polite to tell him to stop. Nothing is less attractive than a man yelling: “Shi-tacky mushrooms”
Admiring oneself in the mirror
There was a long mirror on the wall behind the banquette and men were seated facing it. Most of them were doing a good job of discreetly glimpsing every now and again. But one man in particular was clearly struggling with having to look at his date. The only thing less attractive then a man looking in the mirror while at dinner is a man looking in the mirror at another woman who’s just walked in.
Gargling the wine
Chipmunk cheeks are not sexy. Swishing liquid around in your mouth is not an attractive move. If we’re married and you’re in front of the bathroom sink with a mouthful of Listerine, naked, it’s cute. If you’re in a restaurant, gargling the first taste of wine it’s not cute. It’s annoying. You can taste it without swishing it. Take a sip like a normal person.
If you’ve ordered a drink that comes with a straw, there is no reason to for anyone to hear you consume those last few sips. Let them go. Or, order a new drink and start over. There is no woman who will find this attractive, Unless she’s looking for Homer Simpson.昨天晚上,在餐厅里坐等朋友的时候,环视四周,我观察到各位男士除了普遍都用蓝莓手机、爱挖鼻孔之外,还有一些不易被人觉察的小动作。
有一对情侣约会,男的隔着桌子对着那个女的大声念菜单——她不聋;整张桌子也不过两个人坐一起。她低着头,自顾看菜单。他既不提建议,也不作评价;只是单纯重复菜品名称。而这个英国女人太拘谨了,她不好意思让他打住。当他高声喊着“香菇”(Shi-tacky mushrooms)的时候,我想没有比这更让人扫兴的了。
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