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最后一周,白菜价,全部50cent~$5 city Lucia, toowong或 city交易, 18号去sunnybank,有需要的朋友plaza见~
欢迎联系 QQ:43939503 (注明买东西) 微信:flyh8838 (注明买东西) 短信:0452630998 ( before 10pm) 如需大图,可短信你的邮箱。
Leaving Australia in one week, cheap staff from 50cents.Contact me by text message 0452630998, I can sent you bigger pictures if youprovide me with your e-mmail. Deal can be made in St Lucia, Toowong or in the city. 温暖四季被配被套 warm single quilt with cover: $8 (SOLD) 简单生活枕头 soft pillow: $5 (SOLD) twotogether: $10
晾衣架 (6成新)$2
A1. 全新男装纯棉背心 brand new malecotton vest $5 (size:170-175cm) B1. 全棉复古毛衣 retro sweater$4 (size: M 160-170cm) C1. 超暖橘色毛绒背心 superwarm wintercotton coat:$7 (size: M) D1. 阿童木防水风衣 water&wind-proofjacket $8 (size:M, 160cm) E1. 黑色七分袖修身西装 black suitswith medium sleeves: $12 (size: S) F1. 日系外套 Green Jumper $3(size: M) G1. 夹棉大衣,可机洗 warm wintercotton coat,machine washable:$6 (size 160-165) H1. 安踏套头衫 Whit Jumper $2 (size: M)
A2. 37’c Love 瑰红色泳装 swimming suits$5 (top: 165cm. 85 B+-C; under: 160-165cm) B2. 白色印刷T-shirt whiteT-shirt: $2 C2. 安踏套头衫 Whit Jumper $2 (size: M) D2. ebase牛仔裤 ebase jeans $5/each(size:M, 165-170cm) E2. 黄色字母T-shirt yellowT-shirt: $1 F2. 粉色纯羊毛背心 wool vest: $5(size: S) H2. 围脖 scarf $2 G2. 全新 G2000 黑色西服 brand-new Hongkong tailor-made suit $79 (size 34) I2可爱腊肠夹棉秋裤 cute warmtrousers $3 (160-165cm)
A3. 不锈钢锅 stainless steelpot: $6 B3. 不锈钢饭盒 stainless steellunch box: $2 C3. 不锈钢碟子stainless steel plate:$1 (SOLD) D3. TOMIC 子弹头保温瓶 stainless steel thermos:$3 (保温3-5小时,送保温袋)
A4. 杯子 Mud & Cup: $1/each B4. 抱枕 cushion:$2 C4. 便携吹风 potable hairdryer: $5 (SOLD) D4. 抽真空收纳袋 big packing bag1 square meter: 中号$2 大号$3 E4. Ipone4/5 剪卡器 SIMs cardcutter with pins and customized card case: $2 F4. 保温袋 warm/coldkeeping bag:$1 G4. 公牛牌万用排插,不用转换器哦~ plugs: $9 H4. 耳机耳麦:ear-phone withmike: $3 I4. 瑜伽垫子 yoga mattress:$7 (sold)
A5. 抱枕 cushion: $2 (SOLD) B5. 镜子 mirror: $2 (SOLD) C5. 打印纸 paper: $2 (SOLD) D5. 多层文件夹 multi-layerfile:$2 E5. 单层文件夹mono-layer file:50c/each or $2 for 5 F5. 活页笔记本 clippernotebook: $2 G5. 10个衣架 10 hangers: $2
A6. 发夹:$1 B6. 闹钟 alarm clock: $3 C6. 日本原装进口洗脸皂 Japan importerscleansers soap: $2 D6. 胶带 plastic tag: $1for two E6. 笔、涂改液、尺子、笔芯 pen, ruler: getone free when you buy anything or $2 take all (SOLD) F6. 雨衣/雨伞:$1/each G6. 指甲钳: free when youbuy anything H6. 普通剪刀 scissors:$1 I6. 潘婷洗发乳 200ml panteshampoo: $2 (sold) J6. 夹子&回形针 clippers and pins: $2/pack (SOLD)
A. 安踏黑色板鞋 black sneakers: $6(size 6/ 36-37) (已售 sold) B. 裸色马丁靴 Martin Boots:$12 (size 7/ 37-38) C. Target 雪地靴 Target winterboots: $8 (size 6/ 36-37) D. 人字拖 thongs: $1 (size 6/7) E. 中跟鞋 heels: $6 (size6/ 36)