
Dear ****,
Thank you for your application to study Financial Mathematics at University of Warwick.
It is essential that you register online at the address below as this will enable you to track the progress of your application. This will be the primary means of communication from the department during the application process.
Please let me know via email if you have any problems filling out or accessing the information.

For 2004 entry, the first stage in the admissions process will be successful completion of the admissions test.  This can be downloaded from the website.  http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk...w_to_apply/index.html
  and you should send your completed answers to myself (address below).
I look forward to receiving your test answers.
Carol Wright
真奇怪我当初申请的是 MSC IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE ,因为WARWICK的申请表上有两个专业选择,所以我就在第2个专业选择里面填了 MSC IN FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS .我的材料是9月就邮寄走了,而且10 月除收到了他们的确认信.怎么现在又要我网审申?
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