Open's comment:
OU Ranked Fifth for Teaching Quality
The Sunday Times University Guide ranks the OU fifth out of all UK universities for teaching quality.
The results, based on QAA assessments since 1995, place the OU behind Cambridge, Loughborough, LSE and York and ahead of Oxford, Imperial and UCL.
the OU is excluded from the main Sunday Times University Guide league table because the criteria are geared to conventional universities and irrelevant
to us.
(2)open university 都是远程教育是给没有读过大学的已工作的人,或是给残疾人设计的大学
Open's comment:
open university has excellent FULL-TIME PhD Programmes and you may wish to visit OU 's website. Just have a look at some Open University PhD Graduate Profiles below.I am sure all of them are not disabled or mentally-retarded.
Open University PhD Graduate Profiles
Professor Nick Oliver
MA (Univ. of Edinburgh), PhD (Open Univ.)
Professor of Management (established chair)
Judge Institute of Management, University of Cambridge
Professor Brian Bloomfield
BSc (Lancaster), PhD (Open)
Management School, Lancaster University,
BA (Leeds), MEd (Edinburgh), PhD (Open)
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Bristol University
Prof Martin CONWAY
PhD (Open),
Head of Department
Psychology Department, University of Durham
Professor Jerry Coakley,
BA (NUI), MSc (Lond), PhD (Open University)
Department of Accounting, Finance and Management,
University of Essex
Prof. MURPHY, Sean
BSc (London), MSc (London), PhD (Open University)
Chair in Neuroscience & Pharmacology, University of Nottingham
Prof. WOOD, Andrew T A
BA (Cambridge), DipMathStat (Cambridge),PhD (Open University)
Chair in Statistics, University of Nottingham
Prof. Michael Winter
B.Sc (London), Ph. D. (Open University)
Head of the School of Geography, University of Exeter
Dr Chen Ming-liang,PhD (Open University)
Postdoc of Cambridge, Chairman of Omega Travel,UK |