COSY single room TO LET!

北二区,Manor House 和Turnpike Lane地铁站附近,有一套FLAT。四个房间,家具厨具齐全,例如有书桌,洗衣机,冰箱、电视、宽带等等。24小时热水。房子周围安静,有前后花园,可以晾衣服。走5分钟,有大公园,晨练学习休闲好去处。距家2分钟有bus stop. 附近有露天菜市场,蔬菜水果物美价廉,让您一年能省几百磅的菜钱。还有奇好的一镑店,应有尽有,让您在心中手舞足蹈。价格: 温馨单人房, 包bill £63/周, bill钱大约为3镑每周。不包bill大家可以一起节省, 60镑/周。欢迎您拨打:07834904265, 07834700460, 07903864598。 即可入住。宽带网已开通。 这些都是经验:不包bill,会节省钱;包bill,结算很方便。全是插卡的,pay as you use;不包bill,就不再有利益冲突,大家一起节约,有了家的感觉。

A Special Offer for the Special You
A very large single room and a double room are available now. Rent is from £ 63 to £ 80. The cosy and comfortable flat is at zone three, near Manor House Tube ST.(8min.) and Turnpike Lane Tube ST.(3min.), fully equipped and with TV and Broadbrand Internet access. 1 min. to bus W4, 67, 230 and 41; 3 min to bus 29, 141 and 341. Especially suitable for polite, diligent students and professionals, four teachers will company you.
Interested? Why not call me now?

Lee: 0783 490 4265

Zhang: 0783 489 6395

Cheng: 0783 470 0460
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