nice house in binmingham

Big and very nice single room is available for summer vacation (from the early of July to 31st of August) in Harborne,. The house is very clean and tidy, sharing with other two easy going housemates (one boy and one girl). One minute to 44 bus station, 10 minutes walk to learning centre and Sainsbury. The rent is only 180 per month (including water), very suitable for a temporary stay. If you have interest please contact:
Wang 07833678571 (Voda)
or E-mail: [email protected]
宽敞干净的单人间出租( Harborne),租期从7月初至8月31日。本房干净整洁,共有三个房间。房子距离伯明翰大学校园中心步行只需10分钟。公交车方便(44路免费),便于购物。租期两个月极为适合提前到伯明翰来读语言的同学落脚或假期临时居住,以便适应环境,而且距离学校近便。房租为仅180英镑每月(包括水费),一次付款,租金从入住日算起。唯一要求住房者不吸烟。 另附本人现就读birmingham的MBA,如有今年前来就读者,本人有大量textbook出售,并附送学习资料。本人还可负责接机,送至住处(交通费自付)。并帮助你处理一些刚到时的事务,如熟悉环境,警察局注册,银行开户等。有意者请回信至[email protected] 或电 07833678571 (Voda).
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