差学校为吸收生源会提供大量奖学金 ? wrong!

一般差学校为了吸收生源会提供大量的奖学金 ? ? ? ?
what ? what do you mean ?
I think the fact is that low-profile universities are poorly funded and, consequently, they cannot offer you 大量的奖学金.
only high-profile universities are better funded. This is case almost everywhere.
if you wanna rank universities, you should not only resort to the newspaper ranking tables. they are not only inadequate but also misleading. The right information sources for a potential phd student include the research councils (e.g. ESRC, EPSRC, BBSRC) recognition results, the RAE ratings of your group and your prospective supervisors' research records. Sometimes a Royal Society Fellow is based at a university which you cannot find on any newspapers.

don't be so simple, man. if you wanna do a phd.
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