i need help !!!!!!!

我寄出雅思和ACCESS COURSE的成绩后, ADMISSTION OFFICER EMAIL 我说,我的雅思不符合要求, 大学要求6.5 WITH 6 EACH BAND, 而我的雅思成绩是6.5 , 听力 7, 阅读5, 写作7, 口语6. 我当天去找ADMISSIONT OFFICER 谈, 但她一点都没有得商量, 她让我考雅思或是TOEFL. 接着我写EMAIL给 ADMISSTION TUTOR , 如下:
Dear Dr. Paul Williams,
UCAS Application: 04-206549-4
I am a student who have recieved a conditional offer majoring international
studies with economics. I passed in Access Course at 19 level 3 credits and
IELTS overall score 6.5. However, I had an email from undergraduate admissions
officer that my IELTS result is not sufficient as 6.0 in every band becasuse my
reading is 5, but my listening and writing are both 7, and oral test is 6.
According to my overall score, I am sure that my English level is excellent.
Moreover, I am really confident that I can achieve good academic results in my
further studies. If you agree, i would like to copy my essays in Access Couse
for your reference. I sincerely hope that you can give me an opportunity to
allow me to study at Birmingham University.
I wait for your early reply and thank you so much for your attention.
Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, it is a minimum requirement of the
University that these standards are met in full to pursue a POLSIS degree. I
would advise you to either retake the IELTS or consider a TOEFL as an
Best wishes, Paul
Dear Dr. Paul Williams,
Thank you so much for your early reply and kindly advise. Now it is the end of
July, the time is so limited for me to take the IELTS again. Meanwhile, please
consider that it is a little unfair for me, if i could not get an acceptance
letter result from only my reading test. I can get the higher marks in the
other three sections, which should be shown that I could have a higher score in
reading test. I know my reading score is lower in this time, but it cannot be
denied that my English level is not good enough to take a POLSIS degree. On the
other hand, I never take any TOEFL exam before, it is quite impossible for me
to know TOEFL during the short time. It is true that my IELTS result is not
enough a little bit for language requirement, it is true that IELTS result
cannot be represent the real language skill, it is true that a higher standard
education institution will not choose a good student through only IELTS
Thank you for your message. However, we must be consistent and fair to all the
students who apply to us. The rules are clear and unfortunately you have not
met one of the requirements. All the components are important. The idea that
reading is less important than the others is incorrect. There is nothing more
I am willing to do other than the advice already offered from myself and Ms Sue
Terry. If you can meet the entry requirements, we would be very happy to have
Best wishes, Paul

我觉得再考雅思对我来说太没有意思了, 我考了四次雅思,阅读最多也就是5.5, 再考雅思, 时间也不太够, 更不要说什么TOEFL. 大家来帮帮看看, 我还有没有戏了. ? 问题真的这么严重了吗?
E-mail: [email protected], QQ: 124503832
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