

比如,邓小平理论和毛泽东思想概论,一般都翻成Research on Mao Zedong's Thinking Philosophy
。其实对于这两个课程翻译,全国人大有明文决议的,正确的翻法应该是Introduction to Mao Zedong’s Thoughts。还有比如导论和基础的翻译,不同的用词,表达出你学习的深度还是不一样的,大家也值得注意

Mr./Ms. 名字,, born on 出生日期, having completed the necessary courses of study and successfully defended his (her) thesis as required for a Bachelor's Degree in the 专业 of at of the 系, is hereby awarded the Degree of Bachelor of in accordance with the Regulations of the 学校名字 Degrees.
President, 校名
Chairman, Academic Degree Appraisal Committee of
the 校名
Certificate Number: 80001×××××××

To whom it may concern
July 1,2004
This is to certify that Miss/Mr ---------- studied on Crop Genetics and Breeding in College of Natural Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University from September 2001 to June 2004, and graduated in June 2004 (certificate No. ----------) and awarded her Doctor Degree of Science in June 2004 (certificate No. ----------).

Official Seal of Postgraduate Office

Signature of Postgraduate Office Director:
Professor Gu Dejiu

Graduation Certificate
This is to certify that Mr./Ms.(姓名),Who was born on(出生年月), was admitted to the(专业名)Specialty of the Department/College of(系名或学院名) in this university and had successfully accomplished all the courses required by the 4/3/5-year undergraduate program and earned enough credits from (入学时间)to(毕业时间). Thus, he/she is allowed to graduate.
In accordance with the Regulations on Academic Degrees of the People's Republic of China, Mr./Ms. (姓名) has been admitted to the Degree of Bachelor of(学位名称).
Academic Affairs Office
South China Agricultural University

To whom it may concern
This is to certify that Mr./Ms(姓名),who was born on(出生年月),is a Bachelor’s Degree student majoring in the programme of(专业名)from (入学时间) to (截止学习时间),at the College of (学院名)。
On the strength of which, he is delivered this present attestation and will use it for relate rights and prerogatives.
Academic Affairs Office
South China Agricultural University
Guangzhou, China, 510642



College of Biotechnology
生命科学学院 College of Life Science
College of Environment and Natural Resources
资源环境学院 College of Resources and Environment
College of Forestry
College of Economics and Trade
College of Polytechnics
农业工程系 Department of Agricultural Engineering
工程学院 College of Engineering
College of Sciences
College of Humanities
Department of Agronomy
Department of Horticulture
Department of Sericulture
艺术设计学院 College of Art Design
Department of Animal Science
Department of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Food Science

农学士 Agriculture
工学士 Engineering
理学士 Sciences
哲学士 Philosophy
经济学士 Economics
管理学士 Management
工商管理 Business Administration
金融学 Finance and Banking
经济学 Economics
会计学 Accounting
农林经济管理 Agricultural/forest Economy Management
社会工作 Social Work
英语 English
生物技术 Biotechnology
机械设计及其自动化 Machine Design & Manufacturing and Their Automation
信息管理与信息系统 Information Management & Information Systems
电子信息工程 Electronic and Information Engineering
农业机械化及其自动化 Agricultural Mechanization And Its Automation
农业电气化与自动化 Agricultural Electrification and Automation
土木工程 Civil Engineering
交通运输 Traffic and Transportation
应用化学 Applied chemistry
计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology
植物保护 Plant Protection
土地资源管理 Land Resources Management
农业资源与环境 Agricultural Resources and Environment
土地资源管理 Land Resources Management
农学 Agronomy
茶学 Tea Science
食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering
园艺 Horticulture
木材科学与工程 Wood Science and Engineering
森林资源保护与游憩 Forest Resources Conservation and Recreation
林学 Forestry
园林 Landscape Gardening
动物科学 Animal Science
动物医学 Veterinary Medicine
蚕学 Sericulture
法学 Law
食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering
服装设计与工程 Apparel Design and Engineering
管理信息系统 Management Information Systems
土壤与农业化学 Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry
土地规划与利用 Land Planning and Utilization
农业环境保护 Agricultural Environment Protection
木材加工 Wood Processing
经济林 Economic Forest
农业经济与管理 Agricultural Economics and Management
贸易经济 Trade Economics
企业管理 Industrial Management
国际金融 International Trade
农业机械化 Agricultural Mechanization
机械设计 Design and Manufacturing
汽车运用工程 Mobile Application
中国社会主义建设 Chinese Socialist Construction
作物遗传育种 Plant Genetics and Breeding
果树 Pomology
动物营养与饲料加工 Animal Nutrition and Feed Processing
畜牧 Animal Husbandry
农业工程 Agricultural Engineering
家具设计与室内装饰 Furniture Design and Room Decoration
市场策划与营销 Market Planning and Marketing
土地经济与房地产管理 Land Economics and Real Estate Management
精细化工 Fine Chemistry
财务管理与计算机 Financial Management and Computer
经贸英语 Business English
公共关系与秘书 Public Relation
茶叶加工与贸易 Tea Processing And Trade
花卉与庭园工程 Floriculture And Gardening
丝绸与贸易 Silk And Trade
养禽与禽病防治 Poultry Raising And Disease Control
微生物发酵技术与贸易 Microorganism Fermentation And Trade
生物技术学院(College of Biotechnology)
生命科学学院(College of Life Science)
化学除草原理与技术 Principles and application of weed chemistry control
种子生理 Seed physiology
组织培养技术 Technology of tissue culture
果蔬保鲜原理与技术 Techniques in preservation of fruit & vegetable
植物学 Botany
酶工程 Enzyme engineering
植物显微技术 Botanical microtechnique
细胞生物学 Cell biology
农田杂草 Farmland weed
普通生态学 General ecology
药用植物资源利用 Resources and utilization of medicinal plant
生物化学研究技术 Techniques in biochemistry researches
分析与检测技术 Technology of test and analysis
动物生物化学 Animal biochemistry
基因工程 Genetic engineering
文献查阅与综述方法 Document searching and reviewing
植物生物化学 Plant biochemistry
蛋白质工程 Protein engineering
分子生物学 Molecular biology
植物生物化学实验 Plant biochemistry experiment
遗传(基因)工程导论 Introduction to genetic engineering
辐照基础与应用 Basis and application of irradiation technology
辐射生物学 Irradiational biology
免疫学 Immunology
同位素示踪原理及其应用技术 Isotopic tracer technique reason and appliance
同位素应用技术 Application of isotopes
生物电子显微技术 Electron microscope and preparation of biological specimen
仪器分析 Instrumental analysis
现代仪器分析与食品检测 Modern instrumental analysis and food inspection
农业与温室气体(排放) Agriculture greenhouse effect gases
电镜技术 Electron microscope technique
植物生理学 Plant physiology
生物物理学 Biophysics
生态学 Ecology
核素应用技术 The application of nuclide
农业电子技术 The electronic technology of agriculture
食品科学系(Department of Food Science)
食品学院(College of Food Science)
普通微生物学 General microbiology
农业微生物学 Agricultural microbiology
食品微生物学 Food microbiology
环境微生物学 Environmental microbiology
微生物学实验技术 Experimental technique in microbiology
食品微生物学实验 Microbiological test of food
发酵工艺学原理 Principles of fermentation technology
微生物遗传育种 Microbial genetics and strain improvement
食品生物化学 Biochemistry of food products
食品添加济 Additives of food products
食物酶学 Enzyme engineering of food
食品分析 Food analysis
食品营养学 Food nutriology
食品工艺学 Food technology
果蔬加工学 Processing of fruit and vegetable
食品工厂设计 The design of food factory
乳品学 Dairy science &technology
蛋品学 Egg science & technology
肉品学 Meat science & technology
食品工程原理 Principles of food engineering
农产品加工学 Agricultural products processing technology
食品机械与设备 Food machinery and equipment
食品包装学 Food packaging

动物科学系(Department of Animal Science)
动物科学学院(College of Animal Science)
动物生理学 Animal physiology
家畜行为学 Ethnology of domestic animals
饲料卫生学 Feed hygienic
配合饲料工艺学 Technology of formula feed
单胃动物营养学 Nutrition of unistomach animals
反刍动物营养学 Ruminant nutrition
饲料检测技术 The technique of feed checking and analysis
饲料生产学 Feed production
饲料添加剂学 Feed addition
家畜饲料学附饲料分析 Livestock feeding and feeds analysis
饲料原料及加工贮藏 Feed ingredients and processing and storage
动物饲养学 Animal feeding
动物营养学基本原理 The basal principle of animal nutrition
配合饲料技术 The technique of formular feed
普通畜牧学 Animal husbandry
淡水养鱼学 Culture of fresh-water fish
动物学 Zoology
家禽学 Poultry science
珍禽学 Science of rare birds
家畜育种学 Poultry breeding
家禽孵化学 Poultry hatching
家畜环境卫生学 Livestock environment hygiene
牛生产学 Cattle production
家兔生产学 Rabbit production
猪生产学 Swine production
畜牧专业英语 English of animal science
家畜育种学 Animal breeding
数量遗传学 Quantitative genetics
动物遗传学 Animal genetics
生物统计附试验设计 Biological statistics
养犬与养猫 Canine and feline production
家畜繁殖学 Animal reproduction
动物遗传育种 Animal Genetics & Breeding
动物生产学 Animal production

动物医学系(Department of Veterinary Medicine )
兽医学院(College of Veterinary Medicine)
家畜解剖学 The anatomy of the domestic animals
禽病学 Diseases of poultry
家畜病理学 The pathology of the domestic animals
动物组织学与胚胎学 Histology and embryology of the domestic animals
家禽普通病学 General diseases of poultry
中兽医学 Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine
兽医临床诊断学 Clinical diagnosis of veterinarian
家禽传染病学 Avian infectious diseases
家禽内科学 Internal medicine of domestic animals
家禽药理学 Poultry pharmacology
兽医药理学 Veterinary pharmacology
家畜寄生虫学 Parasitology of domestic animals
家禽病理学 Pathology of poultry
兽医产科学 Veterinary breeding
家畜外科学 Veterinary surgery
兽医应用免疫学 Veterinary applied immunology
动物性食品卫生学 Animal food hygiene
家畜传染病学 Infections disease of domestic animals
兽医学 Veterinary medicine
兽医药理学的毒理学 Veterinary pharmacy toxicology

理学院(College of Science)
计算机关系数据库 Relationship database
计算机应用基础 Fundamentals of computer application
计算机应用基础 Computer application
C语言程序设计 Programming in C
物理化学 Physical chemistry
有机化学 Organic chemistry
分析化学 Analytical chemistry
普通化学 General chemistry
化工仪表 Chemical engineering and meter
化学实验 Experiment in general chemistry
大学物理 College physics
应用电子技术 The application of electronic technology
概率论 Probability theory
线性代数 Linear algebra
高等数学 Advanced mathematics
必修课 The required courses
选修课 Optional courses
限选课 Limited optional courses
实践课 Practical courses
军训 Military training
专业劳动 Work in specialty and for production
教学实践 Practice in the course
生产实习 Training for working
毕业论文(设计) The thesis or designing for graduation
物化胶化 Physical colloid chemistry

人文科学学院(College of Humanities)
法律基础 Fundamentals of law
社会主义人生实践 The socialist practice in one’s life
形势政策教育 The education of situation and policy
马克思主义原理 The course on Marxist theories
中国革命史 The history of Chinese revolution
中国革命的理论与实践 The theory and practice of the Chinese revolution
社会调查研究理论与方法 Theory and method on social investigation and research
中国社会主义建设 China’s socialist construction
国际贸易 International trade
经济法学 Economic law
中国社会主义市场经济概论 An introduction to china’s socialist market economy
政治经济学 Political economics
西方经济学 Western economics
行政管理学 Administration management
应用写作 Practical writing
思想教育 Ideological education
自然科学方法论 The methodology of natural science
逻辑学 Logic
农业文献检索 Agricultural literature indexing
专业英语 Special English
体育 Physical training
毛泽东思想概论 An introduction to Mao zedong thought
邓小平理论概论 An introduction to Deng xiaoping theory
教育学 Pedagogy
思想道德修养 Thought & moral training
教学法 Teaching method
应用写作 Practical writing
农业史 Agricultural history

经济贸易学院(College of Economics and Trade)
乡镇企业管理学院(College of Rural Enterprise Management)
宏观经济学 Macroeconomics
微观经济学 Microeconomics
政治经济学 Political economics
发展经济学 Development economics
农业经济学 Agricultural economics
外国农业经济 Foreign agricultural economics
中国经济地理 Economy geography in China
经济法学 The law of economics
国际商法 International commercial law
管理信息系统 Management information system
农业会计学 Agricultural accounting
消费经济学 Consumption economics
电算化会计原理 Computer accounting
成本会计 Cost accounting
统计学原理 Principle of statistics
商品流通统计 Accounting in commodity circulation
金融统计 Financial statistics
会计学原理 Principle of accounting
商品流通企业会计 Business accounting in commodity circulation
财务会计学 Financial accounting
审计学 Auditing
银行会计 Bank accounting
农业政策学 Agricultural policy
管理学原理 Principle management
企业学原理 Business management
房地产经营管理 Administration and management of real estate
银行经营管理 Administration and management of bank
商业企业经营管理 Business administration and management
涉外企业管理 Foreign business management
资源经济学 Resource economics
农产品贸易学 Agricultural products trade
国际贸易 International trade
进出口贸易实务 Practice in import-Export trade
市场营销学 Marketing
国际市场营销学 International marketing
财政学 Public finance
国际金融 International finance
证券投资 Investment on securities
公共关系学 Public relations
货币银行学 Economics of money and banking
投资经济学 Economics of investment
国际结算 International settlement
银行信贷学 Bank credit
财政金融 Public finance and monetary economics
期货交易理论与实务 Theory and practices of futures
土地经济学 Land economics
乡镇企业经济管理 The economic management of tow’s enterprise
经济计量学 Economical estimate
审计学 audit

农学系(Department of Agronomy)
农学院(College of Agriculture)
制茶学 Manufacture of tea
作物育种学(各论) Crop breeding
作物育种学(总论) Crop breeding (general discourse)
种子学原理 Principles of seed science
农业管理学 Agricultural management
农产品综合利用 Comprehensive utilization of crop products
耕作学 Cultivation science
经济作物学 Industry crop science
农业气象基础 Agrometeorology
遗传学 Genetics
茶树栽培学 Tea cultivation
茶叶审评与检验 Tea tasting and inspection
试验设计与统计分析 Experimental designs and statistical analyses
农业生态学 Agroecology
农业自然资源利用及农业区划 Utilization of agricultural resources and agricultural regionalization
茶树能种学 Tea plant breeding
粮食作物学 Food crop science
茶叶生物化学 Biochemistry of tea
农业推广学 Agricultural popularization
农业环境保护 Agricultural environmental protection
作物栽培学与耕作学 Crop cultivation & geoponics

蚕桑系(Department of Sericulture)
艺术设计学院(College of Art Design)
蚕桑综合利用 Silkworm-mulberry multipurpose utilization
茧丝学 Cocoon silk science
养蚕学 Seri cultural science
蚕体解剖生理 Anatomy and physiology of silkworm
桑树栽培及育种学 Mulberry cultivation & breeding
蚕种学 Silkworm egg production
家蚕遗传育种 Silkworm genetic of thremmatology
遗传学 Genetics
蚕病学 Silkworm pathology
蚕桑学 Sericulture

园艺系(Department of Horticulture)
园艺学院(College of Horticulture)
插花艺术 Art of floweral arrangement
蔬菜育种学 Vegetable breeding
花卉园艺学 Floriculture
园艺商品学 Marketing of horticultural product
园艺设施栽培 Horticultural facilities culture
植物显微技术 Plant microtechnology
园艺通论 General horticulture
园艺昆虫学 Horticultural entomology
园艺植物育种学 Plant breeding in horticulture
果树生理学 Fruit tree physiology
园艺研究法 Horticulture studies
果树栽培学总论 Pomology
园艺产品贮藏保鲜学 Techniques in preservation of horticultural products
园艺植物病理学 The pest control of horticulture plant
花卉保鲜学 Techniques in preservation of flowers & plants
园艺植物生理学 Horticulture plant pathology
蔬菜栽培学 Vegetable culture
盆景艺术 Pruning
采后生理 Post harvest physiology
果树抗性育种专题 Special topic on fruit tree resistance
园艺植物的生物技术 The biotechnique of horticultural plant
园艺概论 An outline of horticulture
蔬菜学 Olericulture
果树学 Pomology

工程技术学院(College of polytechnics)
工程学院(College of Engineering)
建筑电工 Architectural electrotechnics
电工学 Electrotechnics
工业电子学 Industrial electronics
材料力学 Strength of materials
建筑力学(结构力学部分) Mechanics of structure
理论力学 Theoretical mechanics
机械设计 Machinery design
机械原理 Theory of machine and mechanism
画法几何学 Drawing geometry
机械制图 Engineering drawing
工程制图 Engineering drawing
园林工程制图 Landscape drawing
建筑制图 Building drawing
液压技术2 Hydraulic technique 2
机械工程材料 Materials of mechanical engineering
机床夹具设计原理 Theory of jig design for machine tool
冷冲工艺及冷冲模设计 Punching technology and punch die design
金属切削原理与刀具 Principle of metal cutting and cutting tool
金属工艺学 Metal technology
机械制造工艺学 Manufactural technology of machinery
金属工艺学 Metal technology
液压技术1 Hydraulic technique 1
汽车维修理论 Theory of automobile service
汽车运输学 Transportation of automobile
互换性与测量技术 Interchangeability and technical measurement
汽车构造 Construction of automobile
汽车运用工程 Automobile application engineering
热工基础 Fundamental of thermo-technology
食品干燥工艺与设备 Food drying technology and equipment
食品包装机械 Food packaging machinery
农业机械学 Agricultural machinery
食品工程原理 Theory of food process engineering
食品加工机械与设备 Foot processing machinery and equipments
砼与砌体结构 Reinforce concrete
建筑构造 Structure of building
建筑材料 Constructional material
建筑施工技术与施工组织 Technology and planning of building operation
单层工业厂房排架结构设计 The design of single-factory building with framed structure
高层建筑结构设计 Design of high rise building
民用建筑设计原理 Design of civil architecture
农业系统工程及管理工程 Systems engineering and management engineering

资源环境学院(College of Resources and Environment)
环境监测 Environmental monitoring
土壤农业化学 Agrochemistry analysis
生产布局学原理 Principle of productive distribution
城镇建设用地管理 Management of land urban construction
城市规划原理 Principle of urban planning
资源经济学 Resources economics
经济地理 Economic geography
土地资源调查 Land resources survey
地图绘编 Map establishment
遥感技术基础 Fundamental of remote sensing technology
土地信息系统 Land information system
地籍管理  Land management
土地规划学 Land planning science
土地管理学 Land management
土地经济学 Land economic
房地产管理 Management of real estate
房地产估价 Appraisement of real estate
固体废物的处理与处置 Treatment & disposal wastes
城市污泥的农业再循环与生态环境 The agricultural recycling of municipal sludge and the ecological environment
大气污染控制工程 Air pollution controlling engineering
环境质量评价 Environmental quality assessment
环境化学 Environmental chemistry
水体污染控制工程 Water pollution controlling engineering
环境生态 Environmental ecology
土壤污染与防治 Soil pollution
环境保护概论 Introduction of environmental protection
农业环境保护概论 Introduction of agricultural environmental protection
无土栽培原理与技术 Theories and techniques of soilless culture
农业化学总论 Introduction of agrochemistry
作物施肥原理 Principles of crop fertilization
作物营养研究法 Methodology of plant nutrition
土壤物理学 Soil physics
土壤学 Pedology
环境土壤学 Environmental pedology
土壤化学 Soil chemistry
土壤粘粒矿物 Mineral of soil clay fration
土质学基础 Basis of geology
土壤地理学 Soil geography
区域土壤学 Regional pedology
土壤资源调查 Soil resources survey
茶树病虫害(病害部分) Tea disease and pest (disease section)
植物检疫学 Quarantine for pests
植物病毒学 Plant virology
果树病理学 Fruit tree pathology
果蔬病害 Fruit and vegetable diseases
植物免疫学 Plant immunology
普通昆虫学 General entomology
真菌资源及利用 Fungal resources and their utilization
除草剂毒理学 Toxicology of herbicides
植物病害生物防治学 Biological prevention and control of plant diseases
害虫生物防治 Biological control
杀菌剂毒理学 Toxicology of fungicides
植物病害流行学 Epidemiology of plant diseases
农业螨类学 Agricultural acarology
害虫综合防治 Integrated pest management
生物统计学 Biometrics
城市昆虫学 Civil entomology
作物抗虫育种原理及应用 Principle and application of resistant plant breeding
植物病原细菌学 Plant bacteriology
植物病理学 Plant pathology
真菌分类学 Taxonomy of fungi
植物线虫学 Plant nematology
农业植物病理学 Agricultural phytopathology
普通植物病理学 General phytopathology
果蔬昆虫学 Fruit plant & vegetable entomology
果蔬贮运病害 Fruit and vegetable diseases during storage
食用真菌学 Edible fungi

林学院(College of Forestry)
数理统计 Mathematical statistics
遗传学 Genetics
树木育种学 Forest tree breeding
树木育苗学 Tree seeds and nursery stock science
自然保护区学 Science of nature reserve
造林学 Silviculture
林业技术经济学 Forestry technology economics
森林经营学 Forest management
林业经济管理学 Management of forestry economics
林业政策与法规 Policies and laws of forestry
会计学原理 Fundamentals of accounting
树木病理学 Forest pathology
测树学 Forest measuration
测量学 Surveying
森林生态学 Forest ecology
森林土壤学 Forest soil science
森林经理学 Forest management
森林昆虫学 Forest entomology
树木学 Dendrology
机械设计基础 Fundamentals of mechanical design
厂内运输 Equipment of transit in factory
胶合板制造学 The manufacturing of plywood
木材加工企业管理 Forest products management
胶粘剂与涂料 Adhesive and paint
木材学 Wood science
木材干燥 Timber drying
木制品生产工艺学 Tec manufacturing of wood products
纤维板制造学 Fiberboard manufacturing technology
刨花板制造学 The manufacturing of particleboard
木材切削原理与刀具 The principles of wood cutting and tools
木工机械 Wood machinery
土壤学 Soil science
经济林育种学 Economic forest breeding
经济林昆虫学 Economic forest entomology
经济林病理学 Economic forest pathology
经济林栽培学 Economic forest culture
园林设计 Parks and gardens design
造型艺术 Plastic art
城市绿地规划  City open spaces planning
园林树木栽培养护学 Garden tree cultivation
园林树木学 Ornamental dendrology
园林专业绘画课 Painting of landscape architecture
城市规划基础 Fundamentals of city planning
城市园林绿化经济管理 Economic management of urban landscape gardening
风景园林设计初步 Elementary landscape architecture design
园林植物病理学 Ornamental plant pathology
园林昆虫学 Ornamental plant entomology
园林史 History of landscape architecture
园林工程 Landscape architectural engineering
土壤学 Soil science
城市生态学 Urban ecology
森林保护学 Forest protection

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