
看了几个非CSL的885申请人的经验,得出结论就是,无需再抱什么幻想,新政策的出台,对于3万的on-shore 885申请人来说,只能是坏消息-移民局根本无意解决问题,王八吃秤砣铁了心了要把这些人赶走的!
移民局现在出台一个借口,Bridging visa A超过一年就不能转任何签证了,包括雇主提名,包括配偶。
I applied for a subclass 885Skilled - Independent (Full Fee) visa for both me and my partner. We'reboth in Australia at the moment and finished our Student visas, I havea Masters degree, and my partner's undertaking a PHD in Monashuniversity at the moment on a University scholarship. We're both not onthe CSL and applied in Jan 2009. After reading this letter here (http://www.gettingdownunder.com/wp-c...rangements.pdf) and checking with our Agent, it seems like we in category 5 and most likely will only get our application looked at in July 2010 - June 2011.

Now after spending so much money on migration agents (which i shouldstart a topic asking exactly what they can do to make up for the costlyfee), i now have to wait another year to get my application looked at,and i cant find a job anywhere because every company requires a PR status.

Sorry for ranting but i feel so cheated and betrayed and helpless atthis point. Both me and my partner has the full intention of staying inAustralia indefinitely, we're both top students with excellent grades,and we both got many responses and interviews from graduate programsover the past year, however quickly shut-off the moment we reveal we'reon a bridging visa. (I rather answer yes to having residency in anapplication or letting them assume i am one when they never ask, andexplaining in an interview later my circumstances, rather than sayingno and getting filtered our immediately.)

On the other hand, i have tons of friends who are accountants, engineers, etc all on the CSL,who cant even find a job or get a response. Yes my circle of friendsmay be a small sample size but isnt there suppose to be a plethora ofjobs out there for those which are "Critically" in need?

So basically my question here is; is this all worth it? Have we bothnot given the Australian economy enough money through our education andliving expenses over the last 5 years? And now their holding ourapplication fee hostage and making us wait another year before gettinglooked at, WITHOUT an option of withdrawing and taking back the funds.One year is a long time and was not what i was told when i firstapplied. We, like everyone else applied with good faith that itwouldn't take this long, up until all this prioritization stuff cameup. What other option do i have besides waiting around for another yearon a low end job just for survival?

Yes its a long post with alot of ranting i apologise again, but i justwant to know if theres anyone else in this spot and have advise on whati should do. Somehow i feel i should packup and never step foot in thiscountry again after being treated this way. Can our migration agentsactually help in any way? they seemed pretty useless from the start andbut i didn't mind paying for the fee if it increases our chances ofgetting PR, but now it seems like the biggest waste of money i ever spent.
[ 本帖最后由 fengconglong 于 2010-1-19 20:08 编辑 ]
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