
Chinese whispers: they're driving up housing prices                                                                                                    ANNE DAVIES                April 3, 2010   
            DAVID MORELL, a buyer's agent in Melbourne, is sure that money from China was responsible for his client being outbid for a house in Camberwell in Melbourne's east two weekends ago.
            ''She was about 19 years old, she had no English and she didn't really know how to bid - she just kept her hand up. She was buying on a student visa,'' he says of the young woman who pipped him with a bid of $1.82 million for the three-bedroom house that, in his words, had been given the ''Feng Shui tickle''.
            Chinese investors now prominent at auctions in Melbourne's eastern suburb have ''single-handedly fuelled Melbourne's growth'', she says.
            ''Asia is looking at Australia as the new Switzerland.''
            In Sydney, too, there are anecdotes of auctions dominated by Chinese bidders, of well-to-do Chinese families arriving at real estate agents, their teenaged children acting as interpreter, and snapping up multimillion dollar units close to the city.
            Ewan Morton, the managing director of Morton & Morton, says 16 per cent of last year's sales at his Pyrmont office were to buyers from China who liked ''certain types of product: purpose-built, newish, brick and concrete construction, and on land''. The buyers were ''not interested in the wharf developments''.
            As property markets reach white hot, the fear of a tide of Chinese money has taken root. Is it sinophobia or is the flow of foreign capital really fuelling property prices?
            In the late 1980s there were fears a cashed-up Japan would end up owning the entire south-eastern Queensland coast. The federal government imposed foreign ownership restrictions on residential real estate aimed at curbing the flow - or at least placating voters.
            Japan's dominance did not materialise and the country is wrestling with the fallout of its economic bubble 15 years later.
            Ten days ago the Governor of the Reserve Bank, Glenn Stevens, was asked about the impact of Chinese capital.
            ''As far as we can tell, foreign buyers are most likely a very small share of turnover,'' he said. However, he also noted that ''everyone has an anecdote, and facts are harder to come by''.
            The most recent figures from the Foreign Investment Review Board, for 2007-08, are the statistical equivalent of ancient history. There was a large increase in foreign buyers last year, but this is partly anecdotal because fewer needed to apply to the Review Board after rule changes in late 2008, allegedly to ease the administrative burden.
            But some, like Mr Morell, say the tweaks have had a far more profound effect. For example, the rule that foreigners had to be restricted to 50 per cent of units in a development marketed off the plan has now been scrapped.
            Temporary visa holders with 12 months' validity do not require approval to buy established real estate as their residence. The 2008 changes lifted the $300,000 cap that applied to student purchases, and foreigners are no longer required to sell when they return home, which means it is much more attractive to buy. At the same time there has been a big increase in temporary visas. But the managing director of BIS, Rob Mellor, says the overwhelming factor driving property prices in Sydney is the failure to build enough dwellings to keep up with population growth.
            ''I have been following the property market for 30 years, and this is the worst level of pent-up demand I've ever seen,'' he said.
            However, in some markets money from China is probably having a disproportionate impact.
            Christine He, a real estate agent with Century 21 Hurstville, said she noticed a huge increase in interest from China at the beginning of last year.
            Three months ago she sold a three-bedroom unit in Railway Parade, Hurstville, to a Chinese student in his early 20s for $530,000. Another young Chinese student bought a three-bedroom unit at St George Parade for $483,000 with the help of his parents, who are living in China, she said.
            At the top end of the market there is also increased interest from foreign investors, mainly from China, says John McGrath, the chief executive of McGrath Real Estate.
            ''It was a rare event two years ago; it's a common event now, but it would not yet account for 5 per cent of sales in the eastern suburbs.''
            Several agents said the strong Australian dollar had slowed the interest from foreign investors. However, changes to the laws in China that were announced a fortnight ago and aimed at deflating its own property bubble may lead to a second wave of buyers here.
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