MBS新专业:Chinese Business and Management MSc

[color=]Chinese Business and Management MSc
                        Fang Lee
                        Cooke和中心Managing Director Dr Alan Wu还有几位博士举行了一个工作午餐会。Prof. Cooke,用4年的时间,从博士毕业生提升到教授,算是创下了“世界记录”。她每年发表的论文,都有十来篇之多,独立和参与发表的书籍短短几年也有十几本。以前在曼大的杂志上看到过她,今天是第一次正式见面。Dr. Wu是经济学院博士毕业的,之前一直在财政部工作。Fang Lee Cooke had been a research associate (May 1999-January 2001), lecturer in employment studies (January 2001-July 2004), senior lecturer (August 2004-July 2005) with Manchester School of Management, UMIST (now Manchester Business School) before being promoted to professor of HRM and Chinese Studies (August 2005). 今天我们主要谈了一下中国中心的运作。主要在几个方面。1.MSc Course 2. Exective Education 3. Training 4. Consultancy. 我主要来介绍一下我和Prof Cooke谈了以后对这个新MSc课程的理解。不是说利用很多留学生看我的留学系列文章,做做广告,没有必要;因为虽然只开始宣传不到1个月,已经受到70多份申请了,7月份之前还会越来越多---而招的名额只有25人。初衷还是提供一些信息,供留学生们自己参考。先说说MSc吧。美国一些MBA一个班招上千人,招的时候不分专业,然后通过选课,学生可以选自己想学的方向;英国MSc则是在开始招生的时候,就要分专业来申请。各有利弊。美国方式管理的不确定性,通过选课时候的bid system可以解决;英国的这种方式,也通过选修课范围的增加来解决。因为有了很多MSc专业分流,英国MBA的规模普遍都要比美国的小一些;当然,英国读MBA也可以选择关于中国的课程。这个新开设的专业致力于中国管理问题,但是不局限于中国管理问题,具体体现在于是在一个International Business的framework和scope下进行学习;并且增加中华文化和中国经济环境的内容;也涉及到经济学,组织行为学,人力资源学,市场营销,供应链管理,政治学,文化研究等领域。(It draws on disciplinary knowledge from economics, organisational behaviour, human resource management, marketing, supply chain management, politics and cultural studies. Students also receive a thorough grounding in social science research issues and methods, including techniques of quantitative and qualitative data collection, analysis and interpretation. )这门课有8个课程以及一个论文,(致力于将来设置一个最后的Project来做,MBA,MUBS,和A&F某些专业已经开始这么做了,算是Manchester Method的一个特征)。并不是把中国单独放出来研究,而是联系到世界,以及印度等发展中国家来谈。
[color=]The programme is delivered by academic members of staff who have internationally renowned expertise on Chinese business and management, politics and cultural studies. Whilst located in and managed by Manchester Business School, the programme draws expertise and other resources from a number of schools across the Humanities Faculty of the University, including that from the Faculty?s

[color=]Centre for Chinese Studies

[color=] and MBS's Centre for Chinese Business and Management Studies. The programme provides a rich and interesting experience for students.

an upper second class honours degree in any discipline都可以申请,IETLS7.0,不要GMAT。It is aimed at graduates who are interested in pursuing a career in multinational firms that have or are developing business relationships with China or Chinese multinational firms. The programme will also be useful for government officials, NGOs workers and those who have work experience in (multinational) firms that have business relationships with China, if they wish to deepen their knowledge of China. 到
[color=]今天中午的工作午餐前几天会议的要好,是Dr. Alan Wu亲自挑选的,针对于中国人口味。

Resource: http://houwenxuan.spaces.live.com/
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