[其他] 572 簽證問題!??!

請問一下, 我是自己上網申請 學生簽證 ...572 簽證..
目前是在國內等著體檢. ..

但目前收到移民局的信跟我要東西 ...


Please forward a certified copy of the biodata and signature pages of your passport to this office as soon as possible.  This is the page with  your Photo, Name, Country of Birth and Date of Birth on it.  Documents must be certified by a practising lawyer, a Magistrate, Public Notary, Justice of the Peace or Commissioner of Declarations (or equivalent in your country).

(All foreign language documents must be accompanied by an English translation by a qualified translator in your country)  
Documents must be certified  as true copies of the original by a practising lawyer, a Magistrate, Public Notary, Justice of the Peace or Commissioner of Declarations (or equivalent in your country).
The certification must include a written statement in English on each page.
Example: “I have sighted the original document and certify that this is a true copy of the Birth Certificate for …”. The authorised person certifying the document must also include their full name, contact details, occupation, signature and date of certification.
If the laws of your country do not allow an authorised person to certify your documents as true copies, you may still send them to the department but processing will take longer. You must still indicate in English what type of document it is (eg Birth Certificate).

請問這個是跟我要甚麼??? ...只是要 Passport 嘛? 還是要更多? ..
不能就把passport 印下來寄過去就好了??

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