本帖最后由 mastermind 于 2012-7-4 19:53 编辑
1. MKTG1501 Fundation of Marketing $10
2. ECON1020 Introductory Macroeconomics (2010) $20
3. FINM2401 Financial Management $50
4. LAWS3100 Corporations Law (2012) 13th Edition $90
5. MGTS1301 Introduction to Management (2012) 4th Asia Pacific Edition $85
6. FINM7406 International Financial Management (2012) 2nd Edition (Free lecture notes available if required) $50
7. FINM7407 Financial Institutions and Markets (2011) (UQ Master Applied Finance新开课程, Sem2 Only) $80
8. MGTS1201 Computer Base Information System $20
9. ACCT3102 External Reporting Issues (2011) 14th Edition $50
10. ACCT1101 Accounting for Decision Making $20
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