本帖最后由 ellin0317 于 2015/8/20 14:36 编辑
7/17-22 Water Street, Lidcombe
2Bed, 2 bath, 1 lock up garage with remote control
- 6分钟到火车站, shops, cafe, restaurant, 图书馆。等
- 宽大睡房和客厅
- 2独立阳台,主阳台北向 (very bright apartment)
- Number of windows in the lounge and kitchen
- 2卧室带墙柜, one with en suite
- Modern design kitchen and bathroom
- Gas Cooking
- Lock Up Garage with remote
- 带空调
Available from 10th of August
Rent: $550
Inspection : 11:30-11:50am on Saturday
请联系 DANIEL:0433882127 JASON:0402192497 WECHAT ID: LEEKIMDAIGOU
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