靠大家的支持,人气还不错,在此表示感谢。话说在facebook上有一个群组,上面有很多毕业不久的local的药剂师哥们儿整天complain现在这个行业如何如何不济,看来现在这个形势就算是local也扛不住啊,而且我觉得他们心气更高,能忍受得了那种剥削压迫才怪呢。下面转几个 comments,英语都很粗浅的,我就翻译了一个大概意思,大家看看笑笑算了,同时我还是那句话:千万不要让你认识的人去读pharmacy,除非对方是你仇人,你想陷害一下。
Ken Wah
Hi guys, I'm a pharmacist who just moved to South Australia from Alice Springs this January with my partner and I'm finding it impossible to get ANY position at all in South Australia. Been trying very hard the past 4 months and had been unsuccessful due to the limited positions and oversupply of pharmacists (once I went to an interview and the stack of resumes/applicants is as thick as AMH!!!). I have come close a few times in landing myself a job but the employers withdrew the offer in the last minute. A few times the employer already told me they are going to notify me of my start date (which means I got the job) but they rang me in the end and told me they gave the position to someone else. I was totally disappointed and in the brink of breaking down. This is very unfair to me as the employers (not ONE but MANY) keep breaking their promises to me. I wouldn't be as disappointed if I failed the interview and did not get the jobs but how can you promise to give someone a job and then withdraw the offer in the end?
Sorry for the rant but I just want to let everyone know what's really happening out there. I'm very sure I am not the only one going through this now, living off very limited savings. As we know, a lot of positions are filled even way before they got out to the market. Advertising on websites and newspapers are just procedural. I'm really losing hope but I thought surely there must be some sort of body which will give support and help pharmacists like me? I'm so glad that this page existed, this means that us pharmacists know that there are serious problems in our profession!! In the mean time I'll just have to keep waiting (I don't know where else to look I've tried each and every mean and medium).
about 2 weeks ago · Report
大意:因为这人是asian,姓wah,而且比我早几届,所以代号:老华。一个从边远的沙漠地带(Alice Spring)搬到阿德雷德的药剂师哥们儿,发现根本不可能找到工作,每次去面试发现简历堆得比amh(就是澳洲药典)要高,更可气的是好几次被老板耍,先说用他然后到了第一天上班的时候临时变卦。现在这哥们儿要崩溃了,连账单都快付不起了,所以上来发牢骚。老华指出一个现象,那就是报纸或者网站上很多工作都未必仍然available,其实早就被filled了,登一下都是走过场。但是他幼稚地奢望会有一个组织出来帮助他这样找不到工作的药剂师,而且他还在天真地等待着job hunting的回音。评论:经历可信,思路单纯。
hi, Ken, your experience is definitely a universal thing now. As a newly registered pharmacist, I just give up hunting for jobs at the time I finished my internship cus I knew it is hopeless. The whole image is just like what you go through. I personally living on the job at a supermarket as a deli assistant, and seek route of career switch. Not sure how old you are but things just get worse if you are over30. The cause is simple as this: the owner would rather hire a newly registered pharmacist (there are plenty of them) for just $24 an hour.This phenomenon is a combination of a whole lot of actions that have been taken in the last 5 or more years, by a range of institutions (gov, guild, owners, unis, etc), so I guess there's nothing we can do to fix it at this stage. I know my words sound pessimistic, so I am sorry that they don't make you feel better. A lot of my classmates in the uni including myself are seeking other careers now so I suggest you doing the same while get a part time job somewhere to pay rents/bills.
about 2 weeks ago · Delete Post
Johnathan Galt
You may have to go back to Alice Springs or go somewhere else rural. With the horrible wages though, you might as find a different job that pays just as much with less responsibility and stay where you are.
Your story sounds dreadful and I guess the only lesson here is that nothing is set in stone unless you lock-in a contract. So always treat whatever a employer says as a rumour unless you get a contract to sign. I would straight up ask them for one and if they didn't give me one immediately go apply elsewhere. I would say to the employer next time that I'm grateful for the opportunity but I'd like to have it in writing by so and so date because in the past I have had many experiences where the employer has changed their minds at the last moment and hired someone else.
about 2 weeks ago · Report
此人代号:高大哥,绝对是个敢说话的人,直截了当就说老华应该回alice spring老家去,他还说自己以前也被临时变卦的耍过,所以现在找工作,只要老板说用他,必定当场签订合同。
Ken Wah
Thanks for your replies Vincent and Jonathan. I'm picking up very irregular locum jobs from different employers (only about 3 or 4 days a month) which are not even enough to support my rent but a job is a job. I'm grateful that I have a bunch of very good ex-uni mates who try very hard to help me and let me know the first moment they hear something about jobs/locum works. Is it as bad interstate or is SA the worst? anyone knows? I seem to see a lot of jobs advertised for Vic and NSW, and none for SA...but I have to stay in SA if possible because my partner (who is also a pharmacist) is working part time here.
about 2 weeks ago · Report
Johnathan Galt
I'd probably stock shelves at bigW or something until you can get a job. Also check out locumco I saw 2 jobs advertised for SA.
about 2 weeks ago · Report
Andrew Bryant
Hi Ken I am from Adelaide too - I am going to get out even though I have steady work. Frankly I find pharmacy depressing. If you are going to stay here with your girl friend best to find something else. Forget Pharmacy. And yes it is much the same every where. Do not feel too disheartened regarding your situation because I had the same thing happen to me. Heard some desperate people that want to just work in pharmacy are being paid the minimum wage in NSW. About Sydney - had a similar friend chase that too but the caveat is that restrictions were just added on. The oldies are eating the future they are coming out everywhere because their super crashed and now want work. Bugger the bastards because they had the best of times and now they are getting the worse of times. Move on. Sorry to tell you that but is for the best. On a somewhat weird and strange note where I shop in the central market, one of the green grocers girls was a medical student. She quit because of the over supply. Told that if she could not find work after 6 year degree ( intern ) her degree would not be valid and she would have to re sit a mega exam on all her studies. Australian education is not worth much - I am planning to have one child and send them overseas because education here is the pits.
I wish you well and we should all stay in touch.
22 minutes ago · Report
Andrew, thanks for sharing the notes on that medical students, it does tell us that it is not just our profession but the whole society is somehow sick.
最后我总结几句:看来大学拼命扩招不是个别现象,再这样下去我看也别读大学了,干点有技术含量的体力活(造房子、修水电)比这些看似很牛的会计、金融、医学、神马神马的都强多了,哈哈。 |