
  遵照一般Essay内容规则就是将需要的内容放在适切的位置(例:Introduction,Methods,Results,and Discussion)。虽然大家会觉得Essay本身应该就能够让大家了解到内容的重要性、背景、结果等等内容,然而事实上能够让Essay拥有影响力的是写作本身,也就是每个单字、句法、上下行文、论证和逻辑与架构。我们可以将Essay内容再拆解成两大类:
  Consistency of material:Is the material consistent and logical in its exposition?Does the title match the actual topic?Is the abstract up to date with all of the findings in the paper?
  Inclusion of appropriate content:Is everything included that needs to be?Do the introductions,methods,results,and discussions sections include all of the necessary information?
  Keep it short—one recent study showed that articles with shorter titles are viewed and cited more frequently.
  Don’t write in complete sentences when a phrase will work even better.
  Never use abbreviations just to save space—it looks highly unprofessional and also won’t get as many keyword hits in a search.
  Narrow the scope of your title—If your paper is a cross-sectional study of a gastrointestinal diseases in 70-80 year-olds in Seville,Spain,writing a title that reads“Disorders of the Stomach in Elderly Spanish People”is not going to give readers a good idea of what your paper really covers.
  Strike a balance for the keywords–not too general,not too specific.
  Narrow the scope of your title—If your paper is a cross-sectional study of a gastrointestinal diseases in 70-80 year-olds in Seville,Spain,writing a title that reads“Disorders of the Stomach in Elderly Spanish People”is not going to give readers a good idea of what your paper really covers
  How do you know when you’ve written enough information in the abstract?A simple rule-of-thumb is to imagine that you are another researcher doing a similar study.Then ask yourself:if your abstract was the only part of the paper you could access,would you be happy with the amount of information presented there?Does it tell the whole story about your study?If the answer is“no”then the abstract likely needs to be revised.Even better,give your abstract to another reader and ask them if they understand the important aspects of your study.
  It is crucial to determine which type of abstract a given journal recommends or accepts.If you write an unstructured abstract when the journal calls for a structured one,or a descriptive type when it should be informative,you are not helping make a good impression on the journal editor.
  Every journal has its own guidelines for abstracts.Whether it be formatting(schools of style,word count,heading rules,etc.)or preference for passive voice over active,the form and style of a journal’s manuscripts can be central to its identity and connecting to its readership and are thus strictly adhered to.A golden rule of journal submissions is to check the submissions guidelines of every journal you submit to.
  The abstract should remain clear and free of any unnecessary or extraneous details.This includes…
  Lengthy background information
  References to other literature
  Ellipses(“…”)or incomplete sentences
  Visual aids or references to them
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