未来的留学生想了解一下布里斯班 (^O^)/

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枫雪梧桐 发表于 2011-12-19 16:39
From L to P: You need to complete and record 100 hours of supervised driving practice (including 10  ...

Thanks for your response! =D
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gs878 发表于 2011-12-19 17:05
about the test...
try this
http://www.isat.acer.edu.au/assets/Uploads/documents/ISAT-11-sample-que ...

ISAT from the official website stands for International Student Admission Test then pretty much everything avaliable online is Illonis Standards Achievement Test..
Hmm..but I'll look into it..I don't mind do it for practice =)

RollCabage 发表于 2011-12-20 05:35
ISAT from the official website stands for International Student Admission Test then pretty ...

same......not too much resourse online.....
i think the test is based on your understanding.....
don't have to worry too much.....
read more....books

本帖最后由 raiinn 于 2011-12-20 20:38 编辑

delete. sorry
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gs878 发表于 2011-12-20 17:07
same......not too much resourse online.....
i think the test is based on your understanding.....

Oh reallly?
Hmm..UQ's standard for dental science is too high..>_<
not sure if I'm with a low-mid 90 can make it..
Now I really want to go to UQ..
So many Chinese friends there..

RollCabage 发表于 2011-12-21 03:03
Oh reallly?
Hmm..UQ's standard for dental science is too high..>_<

try to meet more foreign people....although u immigrated in canada

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gs878 发表于 2011-12-21 09:14
try to meet more foreign people....although u immigrated in canada

foreign people? u mean domestic people?
Oh..we got planty..lol..I don't think Canada is any different than Australia really..
It's just the city I live in is kinda small..Brisbane sounds so much fun..
RollCabage 发表于 2011-12-21 09:49
foreign people? u mean domestic people?
Oh..we got planty..lol..I don't think Canada is any diff ...

go richmond.......u find urself in hong konger community

1. 我和中介打听过,他们说一年在澳大利亚估计要花费2W左右澳币。大家觉得自己一年有花这么多么?(如果只有正常的花销,不算买名牌什么的哈)
—— 这个要看你是打算读那个学校了,UQ是比较贵的,一般学费在20000-25000. 生活费一般在10000-20000(这个完全就个人的消费能力决定,有钱人家的孩子不止这个数!)

2. 在论坛上我听说了在UQ附近的社区租房子比较贵,我想问问,贵是指大概多少$一个星期呢?
———— 一般在170-250 之间

3. 不知道如果买车(2手的)一般要在什么价位呢?1个人开,所以小轿车之类的那种。
———— 从2,3000-2,30000

4. 请问那边汽车的油价大概是1升多少钱呢?
———— 1.5澳元左右/L

5. 如果学生想找Part time工作,好找么?最低工资是多少呢? (我是加拿大公民,在澳大利亚打工应该是没问题的)
———— 澳洲的最低工资 15。5刀

6. 请问在那边,如果我有加拿大的驾照可以直接开么?(不好意思啊,我这问题好像比较白)
———— 可以!

7. 驾驶年龄是多少?考完驾照可以直接开车了么?(我们这边是要先考Learners,等一年考7号牌才能开车的)
———— 如果你已经拿到驾照3年,在澳洲通过考试后可以直接还正式的!

8. 如果开车去什么地方,一定要把车停到附近的停车场么?(我们这里有的时候可以停到路边几个小时不会罚钱的。我不是很了解澳大利亚)
———— 应该是一样的,你要看路边的标识,通常在City和附近都是有时间限制!

9. UQ的中国朋友是不是很多呢?(很希望有很多中国朋友,感觉很亲切,想多交几个朋友XD)
———— 很多中国留学生,呵呵!应该不会又陌生感的!

10. 这个是我纯属好奇。为什么好多朋友都选择学经济,金融,会计一类的专业呢?在澳大利亚比较好找工作么还是有什么其他的原因呢?
———— 我想是因为容易读,好毕业。理工科大家觉得比较难一点。



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