未来的留学生想了解一下布里斯班 (^O^)/

1. 租金st lucia单间150-200刀,所以房租一年下来就要1W左右,吃喝玩乐一年1W也是要的
2. 学校附近租金都贵,我想加拿大应该也是这样吧
3. 二手车ozyoyo就经常有人卖5k-1w能买辆不错的了,但应该没有在加拿大买车便宜
4. 布里斯班油价算比较贵的,最便宜的ULP1.3-1.4每升
5. 最低工资好像是14左右,只要英文够好,不去华人店14-20都有可能
6. 常住这里的话还是需要考昆州驾照的,国际驾照可以开三个月
7. 牌照也是从L牌起,再到红P和绿P牌,最后才是Open牌
8. 路边都会有标示告诉你能停多久,是否收费。路边有黄线的地方不能停车
9. UQ的中国学生挺多的,入学后可以参加各种社团
10. 澳洲有紧缺职业清单,比如会计就是一大移民专业。不过商科在欧美国家一向都是很火的,澳洲也同样如此
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gs878 发表于 2011-12-19 15:53
bored......but don't wanna to waste the time and money.....
i think i could study mphil.......aft ...

oh okay..what will you become after you graduate everything?

RollCabage 发表于 2011-12-19 15:58
oh okay..what will you become after you graduate everything?

i would like to work for uni......

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rickrick2010 发表于 2011-12-19 15:53
1. 租金st lucia单间150-200刀,所以房租一年下来就要1W左右,吃喝玩乐一年1W也是要的
2. 学校附近租金都贵 ...

我看论坛上租房子的都说什么City, Zone1.2.3.4什么的。。

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本帖最后由 RollCabage 于 2011-12-19 16:03 编辑
gs878 发表于 2011-12-19 15:58
i would like to work for uni......

seriously? That's so cool..
I thought about it too..then..nah..lol..but that's just me..
well, good luck in that!
I hope I can make it into UQ Dent. Sci. for 2013..praying..

BTW, thanks for adding me =D
本帖最后由 gs878 于 2011-12-19 16:07 编辑
RollCabage 发表于 2011-12-19 16:01
我看论坛上租房子的都说什么City, Zone1.2.3.4什么的。。

city= zone 1
st lucia = zone2
when you travel with bus, the ticket is from 1 to 2.

L license  driver need to drive with O license people.....

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gs878 发表于 2011-12-19 16:04
city= zone 1
st lucia = zone2
when you travel with bus, the ticket is from 1 to 2.

Oh okay..
thanks for your explination..
still kinda confused..but okay..cool..
it's totally different than here..

so how long do you have to wait after you have a L to get the O liscens? I hope I'm explaining myself clear..
ask the one with license....i don't drive
From L to P: You need to complete and record 100 hours of supervised driving practice (including 10 hours of night driving). Submit your logbook to Department of Transport and once they verify it you can go take the practical test which would give you a P Licence.

本帖最后由 gs878 于 2011-12-19 17:14 编辑

about the test...
try this
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