Aurora 公寓坐落于 布里斯本市中心--皇后街(Queen street)420号!!
交通便利,30秒步行到CITY CAT站,5分钟至火车站central station,公车站,超级市场近在咫尺。。。楼下有SEVEN ELEVEN,24小时营业,公寓内配有健身房,游泳池,SPA,桑拿等等一系列休闲娱乐设施,BBQ(烧烤)场,中央空调等一应具全。
现求一名主人房内的女生SHARE MATE,房内家具清一色澳洲原装进口,高品质,高效率。价格人性化,房间干净清洁,宽敞明亮,滴尘不染;室友勤奋好学,健康向上,乐于助人,无不良嗜好!房内有自己的卫生间,如果您对此住处感兴趣,请拨打热线电话0433318187,欢迎来电咨询或加QQ58024194!谢谢
My apartment is located on the center of city---Queen street! Aurora tower!
It"s near by any traffic tools you need ! We need a female roomate!
And we have gym ,swimming pool , spa , sangna and BBQ area in front of the door!!
if you are interested in this home ,please contact me by moible 0433318187!!THANK YOU! |