本帖最后由 苏米果诺拉 于 2011-7-26 21:35 编辑
1. ACCT 7104 Accounting for Corporate Combinations and Associations(6th edition)
Author: Neal Arthur, Robert Grose, Joy Campbell, Louise Luff ------------45刀(已售)
2. ACCT 7102 Issues in financial accounting(13th edition)
Author: Scott Henderson, Graham ,Kathy Herbohn--------------- 45刀
3. ECON 7002 Economic Principles(2nd edition)
Author: John Jackson, Ron Mclver, Chris Bajada-------------------------40刀
3. LAWS 7012 Principle of Taxation Law (书本) & Australian Taxation Law Cases( 案例书)
Author: Coleman Hanegbi Hart Jogarajan Krever McLaren Obst Sadiq------------------------两本50刀, 单卖价格可议
4. ECON 7300 Basic Business Statistics-concepts and applications (Australian and Pacific edtion)----------55刀
5. ACCT 7103 Auditing and assurance services in australia- an integrated approach (7the edition)-----------45刀
6. MGTS 7202 Management Systems ( University of Queensland) ----------------40刀(已售)
7 .MGTS 7202 Fundamentals of Information Systems ( 3rd edition)---------------40刀
8. MGTS 7202 Office 2007 in business
Author: Joseph M. Manzo, Dee R. Piziak, CJ Rhoads-----------------------45刀
9. LAWS 7010 Business Law( 4th edition)
Author: Andy Gibson, Douglas Fraser --------------30刀
10. ACCT 7101 Financial Accounting- An Integrated Approach(3rd edition)-----------------------35刀
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