part-time jobs for students

Get part-time jobs after training

APR International Pty. Ltd.

Phone: 82 688 788
Email:  [email protected]
qq: 2261912721
what kind of the job?
The current jobs are related to accounting, finance, engineering (mechanical and IT), HR and marketing.
this is about a trainin to get job or you provide part time job?
 楼主| | 只看该作者
we provide part time jobs but after training
本帖最后由 angela2011 于 2013-5-1 01:47 编辑
winner_leo 发表于 2013-4-29 14:36
we provide part time jobs but after training
qwqwqwqw 发表于 2013-4-29 14:22
this is about a trainin to get job or you provide part time job?

 楼主| | 只看该作者
Have you thought about why it is difficult to International students (graduates, migrants) to get a job in Australia? Are the language barrier and lack of local work experience main reasons? Do you believe it is possible to get food without paying? If training without charge, that is impossible. Think about it. {:1_1:}
winner_leo 发表于 2013-5-3 14:48
Have you thought about why it is difficult to International students (graduates, migrants) to get a  ...

i dun get it, i dun think the companies charge their employees for training, in fact, i think they even pay for the students during the traning.
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