






最后希望大家可以尽量用英语表达,如 today i heard a local said ***** which confused me, anyone here can interpret it?

P.S. :不要认为自己贴出来的水平不高而不好意思贴(这样的话像我这种水平的就自卑死了),这里就是给大家一个交流平台,又不是比赛什么的,同时也帮助自己积累和重复记忆的,但是要注意质量,就是说不要误导大家,譬如说介绍一句话:don‘t give me that意思是“少来这套”,如果不是百分百肯定这个翻译,那就说明你的肯定程度,e. g 60%肯定。



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just now on website of CPA AUSTRALIA found a saying "food for thought", I think it means 精神食粮 or something like that, coz the website said "food for thought" which they provided is to "feed your mind and grow your network".

btw, my lecturer often asks us at the tuitorial "any other thoughts"/"any thoughts?" when he wanted us to share more ideas. that means 还有什么其他看法、想法?
"food for thought" also means 课后思考?really?
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just recalled that local often use "tea" for meal, like "tea time"means lunch time or dinner time, "have a tea" probably is to say to have a meal, i heard this saying frequently when i used to live in a locals living accommodation.
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1/"pussy", n. e.g. he is looking for a japanese pussy (for a fk).  it means the girls can be fk.
2/"personal-exotic relaxation", means those service.
3/"blow job", you know what it means...
4/"busty", adj, means having chubby breast.
5/"tit", n, means breast.
6/"escort", n, many prostitutes describe themselves as an escort.
7/"whore", n, a very dirty word, worse than prostitute, sometimes whores are described as those can be fk for free, so it is pretty much the same as "bitch".
8/"pound", v, it is describing the movement when a man fk a woman.
9/"explode", v, at the end of ML a man finally relieve his sperm.
10/"nipple",n, e.g. hard nipples.
11/"hooker", n, prostitute.
12/"plump", adj, chubby
13/"cock", "dick", n, penis
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those upstairs are collected by me on the web to update this post since they are used in reality although dirty, anyway, if someone can't accept this and don't want to see them here, i can remove them.
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to describe someone's looking: e.g. she is really average on looks. 长相平平
谢谢lz哦~~  辛苦啦~~:encourage: :encourage:


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