[布里斯班] 招演员,拍摄地布里斯班/ GC

如有意请将个人简历,作品集,Headshot以及其他相关信息打包发送至:[email protected]
试镜时间: 5月14日下午(具体时间待定),拍摄时间6月3日(暂定)

All candidates can have no tattoos; no signs of anyspecific religious groups in terms of outfits.
All candidates must not have unusual or outrageoushairstyles, piercings, makeups and outfits.
Role A – Female Lead:
FEMALE. 27-32 years of age. Chinese heritage.
      Ais a hardworking and independent workplace woman who is also soft in the heartand values the importance of a family.
      Qualified talent must be able to speakStandard Mandarin fluently. The talent’s ability to speak mandarin will betested on audition.
Role B – Male Lead:
MALE. 30-35 years of age. Chinese heritage.
      Bis a supportive and caring husband (of A).
      Does not necessarily need to be able tospeak mandarin, however it would be a bonus if he does.

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