近city 的 west end 公寓- master room 招租;公交车10min -> city, city cat 2min -> UQ, 非常大的双人床,两个洗手池的ensuit,干净 整洁;一个精英白领女室友,所以限租客为女生或情侣;(整租也考虑);
10min走路到Aldi 超市; 马上新开业的woolworth 超市只有200m远,生活非常方便;
公寓临河,利于休闲散步;周末还有著名的美食market 就在300m 远处;
公寓外有2 3 知名连锁健身房,咖啡店;
请联系微信 392290336 咨询更多信息。
Great innercity location in West End, as in the Brisbane SHS catchment and close to Brisbane river, 10min drive or bus to Brisbane City; 10 min Ferry to UQ/toowong;
A new Woolworth will open in Oct of this year on ferry road. which just 200m away.
Aldi is 500m away. Cafes, restaurants surronding this area. A owlnight is less than 50m away.
The building along Brisbane river, a good work and live balance place, easy to get to west end park for picnic and BBQ.
Riverpoint apartment was the first luxury live-style in this area and in Brisbane, there are private and public BBQ, 2 gyms, 2 siwmming pool, gardening and car wash area in this community. Plenty of visitor parking.
Contact 0476 580 303 - Grace for more details and arrange inspections.