[格里菲斯大学周边] $170PW Sunnybank hills百萬豪宅五星級空调房頂級富人區The Avenue

位於頂級富人區百萬豪宅五星級房,全屋酒店式裝修  $170 P/W
双套厨房, 独立衛浴, 超大房间,阳台,Queen Size Bed. 限单人(Sorry, Couple)
步行五分鐘到公車站 ( 140,130,141,135,139),
公車直達City, Griffith University, QIBT, QUT,UQ
公车(10)分钟到Sunnybank Shopping plaza
公车(15)分钟,Nathan或者Mount gravatt,Griffith或者QIBT.
公车(25)分钟 City CBD, Southbank,UQ, QUT
獨立豪華衛浴; 電視機;洗衣機;微波爐;冰箱;高級傢俱;
包括寬頻上網; 中央空調, 包网络, share 水电
家具一应俱全,提包就可直接入住 (住客都是学生).
超大房屋( 兩層共1200平米,絕對不擁擠),近 Shopping Center
限單人( 只跟一人share衛浴)
地址: Grosvenor Close, Sunnybank hills
Call:  Joyce 0433781319 or Yan 0401862614
微信: zhongyanocean
The Avenue is well-known as one of the most exclusive and high wealth areas in the Brisbane South Residential Area. And it is no exaggeration to say that The Avenue is one of the top homes in that top street.

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