Vodafone SunnybankHills:新签免前2月话费,送激光打印机,签Ipad20%折扣

Hi ,

Following the reactivation of your account we had a system error which meant your Mobile Payment Plan was not added to your account. Lucky you!

This was our mistake, and we won't charge you for previous payments.

From this month however, you will be charged for your Mobile Payment Plan. Sound fair enough?

Got anymore questions? Feel free to call us on 1555.

Craig Reines
Director Customer Care
sunny2021 发表于 2013-5-31 15:23
Hi ,

你好,这个邮件的意思是他们之前因为系统问题少收你的钱了,从这个月开始就按照正常的费用收费了,之前少收的就算了。  如果有任何问题可以打1555给他们。
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