越俎代庖了,关于税务和退税等一系列问题(jothfer 专业经验解答)

我的年收入不到两万五,现在的WITHHELD TAX大概不到两千五的样子,不知道能不能全部退回来?另外我在学校做 ...
dxepvefc 发表于 2010-3-6 22:33

If taxable income is $25,000, the tax payable (inc. Medicare levy) will be $2,025. So in your case, if your withholding tax is $2,500, you will get a few hundred tax refund.
To claim the CFA fees, it's amphibolous, as without the study of CFA you are still capable of tutor. If your intention for studying CFA is to get the tutor job, then the cost can be deducted. Or you can claim proportion as how much percentage you recon the CFA study is helpful to your tutoring job.
You can only claim deduction for the current year. To claim previous year deduction, you will need an amendment from ATO.
dxepvefc 发表于 2010-3-11 18:28

本帖最后由 jothfer 于 2010-3-20 01:51 编辑

假设你是full-time, 52-12=40个星期税前收入800*40=$32000. 应缴税款$32000*15%+32000*1.5%=$5280, 减去你的tax withholding就是可以退的税。
这个收入没有减去工作相关支出,就是个大概数值,不清楚你的配偶在这里还是国内?这里的话可以帮你减税以及medicare levy。孩子在国内,从Dependant定义上看,孩子没有在澳洲待满183天不算这里resident而且没有和你住在一起,所以无法帮你减税。
如果申报国内的收入,需要附上相关的单据吗?资产减值的情况 ...
johnyohn 发表于 2010-3-20 11:14
这要看你被withhold多少税了,最后退税是应缴税减去tax withhold + 配偶tax offset + medicare reduction + low income tax offset(这个大概一千多,ATO会帮你算的,你不用理会这个计算)etc. 最后如果是负值,就是你的refund.
[url=]Dependent spouse tax offset

If you had a dependent spouse for the whole year and neither of you were entitled to family tax benefit (FTB) Part B at any time during the year, write $2,159 at (d), then continue from there.
If you had a dependent spouse for only part of the year and neither of you were eligible for FTB Part B during that period, work out the number of days you had a spouse and multiply this number by $5.92 (the daily rate).
Write the amount at (a).
If you or your spouse was eligible for FTB Part B at any time during the year:
  • For the period you had a dependent spouse, work out the number of days that neither of you were entitled to FTB Part B.
  • Multiply this number by $5.92. Write the amount at (b).
If you or your spouse was eligible for FTB Part B at a shared-care rate at any time during the year:$(c)
Work out the number of days that you or your spouse was eligible for FTB Part B.days(p)
Multiply this number by $5.92.$(q)
Work out your shared-care percentage. Deduct your FBT shared-care percentage from 100%.%(r)
Multiply the amount at (q) by the percentage at (r) (s)
Write the amount from (s) at (c). if your FTB shared-care percentage changed during the year, add up the amounts from (s) and write the total at (c).
Add up any amounts at (a), (b) and (c). Write the answer at (d).This is your maximum available tax offset. It cannot be more than $2,159.$(d)
If your spouse’s SNI for the period you are claiming a spouse tax offset was less than $286, the amount at (d) is your tax offset.If your spouse’s SNI was $286 or more for the period you are claiming a spouse tax offset, deduct $282 from their SNI and divide the remaining amount by 4. Round this down to the nearest dollar.Write the answer at (e). (e)
Take (e) away from (d). Write the answer at (f). This is your dependent spouse tax offset. (f)

楼主,你好!我现在是学生,在打工,打工的地方的老板给我们cheque发工资,每次给我们发工资的时候都有按比例扣一定的钱(一般是百分之十),说是扣税了,但是他从来没要过我们的税号,说是到6月底financial year的时候一起弄就行了,是真的么?我们有点怀疑他是打着扣税的旗号克扣工资,而且我们还成了打黑工的。请问,如果真的是骗我们的,我们现在在那儿打工的都是学生,该怎么做?有什么地方可以投诉么?
楼主,你好!我现在是学生,在打工,打工的地方的老板给我们cheque发工资,每次给我们发工资的时候都有按比 ...
sarah_ning 发表于 2010-3-20 22:03

按理说工作开始前应该填一份表格(名字忘了:L)上面要求你填姓名住址税号等信息以及同意雇主替你扣税。现在你还真不好告他,因为只要年底前他上交PAYG payment summary给ATO就可以。
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