
kiff_chen 发表于 2012-1-19 11:01
Mate, may be he had an evo or gtr, never race with a fast car before, only Hyundai or KIA. When  ...

I am on the Gold Coast. My friend (from Italy) is working in car project, like building cars and turbo etc. He has a RX7 old model like the one in youtube. He modify it for track car. I looks very good inside but very bad outside. All dust and damage, haha. He just like racing every weekend. I am too scare to go with him. He said peopel normally doing 200kms and more. RX7 is a very good car.

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DXZ 发表于 2012-1-19 13:23
I am on the Gold Coast. My friend (from Italy) is working in car project, like building cars and t ...

Yes, it just the feeling sitting in the car and the sound make you crazy, my old Mazda rx4 makes 450hp on the wheel, but light, take off fast, just like flying. So now I'm upgrading the diff to hilux diff, front brakes to hoper stoppers brakes and suspension. Becoz the power of ther car, I have to up grade. Very scary when it take off. Scream like lion
kiff_chen 发表于 2012-1-19 13:33
Yes, it just the feeling sitting in the car and the sound make you crazy, my old Mazda rx4 makes 4 ...

maybe even need bigger wheels and better tyres. .
Actually the new GTR "V6 twin turbo" with 530hp, 0 - 100 can do 3 seconds. But for an Evo, Ithink may need V12 twin turbo lol

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DXZ 发表于 2012-1-19 13:54
maybe even need bigger wheels and better tyres. .
Actually the new GTR "V6 twin turbo" ...

I will put 16in rim old school chrome rims in there.at the end of the day is all about the money. Haha
kiff_chen 发表于 2012-1-19 14:23
I will put 16in rim old school chrome rims in there.at the end of the day is all about the money.  ...

expensive toy. I am very happy with my slow car, haha, 10 seconds car 0 -100 km not mile. 100hp will be enough.

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本帖最后由 kiff_chen 于 2012-1-19 15:17 编辑
DXZ 发表于 2012-1-19 14:58
expensive toy. I am very happy with my slow car, haha, 10 seconds car 0 -100 km not mile. 100hp wi ...

I would love to meet your friend when I get my car back. In three weeks time. We can drag together
kiff_chen 发表于 2012-1-19 01:30
直线加速,我看EVO跟GTR连尾巴都跟不上。就算给够你500HP. 有空去MAZFIX 看看。就在SHOW ROOM里面而已。或 ...

····玩高速 那一定 马力越大 越轻 越快(谁能天天往200KM/H以上开?)·······实际点来说 700HP 的SLK 和 400HP的EVO STI 或GTR  玩1/4   真不一定谁赢····  

之前我开34的时候  和 一些玩RX7的 一起出去玩过一次(GC的RX7聚会)···· 他们的车 从200HP-500HP的都有,没有改的太猛的···我的车480HP  在M1上都没34快······ 还都是从 60 80开始加速···如果静止加速的话 那就更没悬念了。··········  

这些车 都是好车哈···不过没什么车是神车····各有利弊······

DXZ 发表于 2012-1-19 09:53
0 - 100km 3.7s almost the same as F458, DBS. It is not normal SLK, it is "Kleemann S 8 Supercharge ...

·····呵呵·····别激动······ 我就是说下自己的观点而已哈·····  
kiff_chen 发表于 2012-1-19 11:01
Mate, may be he had an evo or gtr, never race with a fast car before, only Hyundai or KIA. When  ...

····呵呵  ······· 哥们我的确有过EVO 和 GTR 我也的确没和啥FAST CAR玩过·····

不过年轻的时候 还是和700HP的老HOLDEN    800HP+的32GTR(车牌是FATGTR,那是2年前飚过一次  1年前的DYNO DAY上 这台车又TMD上1100HP了)    600HP的F6   400HP的 S14   200-600HP的一些EVO STI SKYLINE RX7 等等车 玩过的······当然有输有赢哈······

不过话说回来 我车那时候 高BOOST也只有 540HP而已···和 那些 600 700 800HP的车跑直线  也只能说是 慢慢的拉开我500HP的车····

当你的车 上了一定马力以后  比你高很多马力的车 也不会瞬间秒杀你的····  当然我说的是街车,不是什么专门跑DRAG的车哈。

看来我这辈子也没机会和FAST CAR玩了······

DXZ 发表于 2012-1-19 13:54
maybe even need bigger wheels and better tyres. .
Actually the new GTR "V6 twin turbo" ...

哥们 你真有才········
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