阿德莱德麒麟足球队 (20.Mar 更新) -- 3月19号比赛成绩公布

回复 173# Steven

    thank you very much
UP.... UP....
本帖最后由 Magna 于 2010-10-7 10:03 编辑

30,31.Oct Team Trip to Murray Bridge and Victor Harbor
up up up....
I used to be a goalie but dislocated both my shoulders in martial arts, cannot goal keeping anymore. Have been playing striker since then.

Will probably go to see your match this Sunday and cheer for you guys! Good luck!
回复 178# bakchamdao

    thank you, this sun, 1pm at ADL High School, plz give me a call if u come. Thanks
回复 178# bakchamdao

hi there
if u come to see the match tomorrow 1pm, plz come to unley rd, on your left side towards greenhill rd.

as the goals were taken away at ADL High

回复 178# bakchamdao

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