[贷款服务] Vision Accounting Firm 会计培训,实习; 会计服务;购房银行贷款

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Hi Tatiana,

Thank you for your reply and support. It's much appreciated.

I won't take it personally. Just think maybe it’s good to hear what trainees think. It also might be from my rival anyway. That’s internet gives to you. Good or bad, I have to take it and digest it.

How was your new job? You are one of the smartest girls I have met. But humble. JJ and Tim also gave good comments about you. I am sure you are going well.

Keep in touch and let me know if I can help anything when you need me.


Rachel Hao

On 04.05.2014 17:34, Tatiana molodtchikova wrote:

hi, Rachel  
just read your e-mail. I personally don't think that you should worry too much about that post. There are always someone who is going to be unhappy no matter how hard you try !!
The option to repeat modules -- is one of  the best features about this program, because you sit through the session, then do your homework and only after that (usually) you may realize that you have couple of questions or just realize that you don't get the whole session ...so you definitely need to sit though this session again. Only after tat you can truly understand the whole picture.
About the size of the class- as long as there is enough place in the room ( and that was always the case when i was doing those modules) everyone should be ok.
About the feedback emails- that actually helped me a lot - they were always very informative and so they allowed me to get a better idea what to expect during my interviews ( i mean if somebody doesn't want to read those emails or think it is a waste of time- just don't read it :) )
plus those emails are vey inspiring. Sometimes during the time when i was looking for a job i felt very desperate, low and thought that i will never find a job, but then i would receive one of those emails and realize that somebody exactly like me got a job and that it is POSSIBLE to find one - that gave me more motivation and comfort. So i believe that you should keep sending those emails as well.
Regards, Tatiana

On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 7:14 PM, <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi all,

Hope you all had a good weekend.

Recently, we had someone posted complaints on the Chinese forum, http://www.ozyoyo.com/thread-267287-8-1.html, where I got a thread to post all interview feedback from our trainees.

Basically, it was complaining about the size of the class. As you know, you are allowed to repeat any session you are not confident, free of charge. Somehow, half of the classes or more are actually coming to repeat. As long as you would like to study, you would get the opportunity without any extra cost.  I take it as benefit for all trainees.

The other complaint was about the emails of interview feedback I circulated. Are they all true or not? Trainees who were in the same batch as those who have got jobs, you know those trainees. It’s impossible for me and also I don’t have the time and energy to make up so many different stories. The reason I circulate those emails is not only advertising the course, but helping others to improve interview skills. I take its as also benefit for all trainees.

I am bemused. What I thought was good for trainees seems like it’s not delivering very well to some of trainees.

Please give me some feedback about:

How do you think about repeating modules? Would you think it’s good for you? Do you care more about the size of the class or the opportunities of coming to repeat the class?

If you can read Chinese, please log in the forum below to leave your comments and suggestions.


Or please send me an email to express your thoughts. Your opinion is much appreciated. Thank you for helping me to improve the quality of our services.


Rachel Hao


Hi everyone, I am the one of the student enrolled in April and my opinion for this mail and the class are follows:
1. I am a classmate of the Russian lady, Tanya, and we shared both the accounting lessons and the interview lessons together. Thus, I know her case is real and I am happy for her success.
2. Before joining the class, I had thought about how much the class could help my career in Australia but I thought it might be a good trial and joining the class should be better than doing nothing anyway so I paid the course fee. I remembered I had asked Rachel if she would introduce some jobs to me and she said NO. Therefore, no one could blaim Rachel if we could not find a job after the classes as she had already told us. It is an accounting course, not a job introduction programe after all.
3. I appreciate the repeating module, especially it is FREE. Rachel could not take any benefit from that but for the students, like me, we could learn more and practise more. As for the size fo the class, including the new students and repeatedly attended students, I have NEVER seen all seats are fully occupied.
4. For the quality of the course, it is more than I expected. It is designed for hunting an accounting job for the position of or below Assistant Accountant. I believed that the class covers sufficiently the accounting technical issues and Rachel is patient enough to answer the questions from the students. She also stay behind over 2 hours after the lesson for the students' questions. Please bear in mind that the course is NOT a charity and the classroom is NOT rent-free. If Rachel is too money-minded, she would not run the class in this way.
5. I thought posting the success of others is good for students as it shared some experiences in interviews and let us more positive to the career.
Finally, I know it is not easy to find a job in Australia, especially for those newcomers like me. However, even if we have not successed and we feel frustrated, we should to be fair to the others and we have no rights to ruin someone's career or success in that way. It is easy to hurt but hard to heal.
Hi Everyone
I was one of the student taking Rachel's course last year. I have been working for more than one year. I was disappointing and embarrassing to see such post from someone using Chinese.. I will give everyone my personal ideas of Rachel' course.
1) Before I met Rachel in class, I did massage and call her to enquire about the course fee and content of the course, etc. Her attitude for this was fine, patient, not pushing hard to get you enrolled. There was no problem with this.
2) Secondly, I think Rachel is a responsible teacher, using clear voice, understandable words and comfortable speed to do her course in each class. In terms of the course, I personally believer it has covered everything we gonna use in real work context. But whether it can be digested quickly or slowly is based on individuals' ability. If only talking about the course detail (if you are looking at using MYOB for the accounting software you want to learn), I do not think there is a problem.
3)It was good that Rachel would leave some assignments and homework to me and it was also good that she would review those questions to enhance your understanding of that knowledge. I really benefited from this. But someone would have different opinion.
4) I strongly believe that posting others' interview or job feedback is a good idea. It helps everyone to build confidence in hunting job, doesn't it? I don't know whether  the others' feedback that Rachel forward here for everyone to see is real or unreal, but mine is real at least.

It is absolutely not easy for everyone to get a job at the moment. The success is only determined by how much work and time you put on finding a job. Whether Rachel's course is useful also  depends on if you want to learn.
MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-4-26 22:11
大家要报名的话,要注意。 没交钱之前,态度很好。交完钱后,呵呵.............. 另外,她在这里发的邮件收 ...

额  我在vision acc 上过补习班 确实很多成功案例的 有的童鞋课还没完全上完就找到工作了 而且rachel人不错啊 能帮都会帮的
再者说了 这个课可以无限repeat就说明老师不是只看钱的

师傅领进门 修行靠个人的 童靴你要好好努力哦不要浪费交上去的钱 找不到工作只能是自己的原因

刚看了前面几条回复 我想说 这么多回应可见老师真的是好
处于考虑此给差评的童靴可能英文程度不太好  我就用中文再回复一下好了
tanya是俄罗斯女孩 长的就挺漂亮 我们一个期一起上课的都对她比较熟悉
她是为数不多的还没听完整个课就已经找到工作的 并且年薪算高了super,休假和保险都齐全
当然了 她自身条件也是非常好的 雅思四个8 讲话是少有的俄罗斯人不带任何口音 并且逻辑很清晰
与她交流很像跟local在讲话 之前也有个女生在三月就找到工作 年薪一般 中国女生 我不太熟悉就不多说了
能不能找到工作 能不能学到东西真的要看自己的认真程度和学习态度
有问题去问rachel 她从来都不会不耐烦的
毕竟最近新开很多ACC firm都在打广告要招生 而且也有不少悉尼墨尔本的机构在进军布村
看到此人是4月26号注册的账号 产生一点怀疑
Rachel 不要想太多 我们都挺你
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tcow1973 发表于 2014-5-4 20:47
Hi everyone, I am the one of the student enrolled in April and my opinion for this mail and the clas ...

Thanks for your comments and support.

I appreciate you value the course.  Hope we can work together to secure you an accounting role soon.

MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-4-26 22:11
大家要报名的话,要注意。 没交钱之前,态度很好。交完钱后,呵呵.............. 另外,她在这里发的邮件收 ...

想必这位同学一定是没有来上过Rachel的课吧, 那就不要在这里误导大家。我也参加了这个课程,也是因为朋友通过这个课程找到了工作,介绍我来的。 说说我的感受吧,Rachel的耐心和细心我想所有的同学都看在眼里,亦师亦友,所以这么不负责的说人家态度不好,不知道你是否参加过这个课程。再来,在我上课的过程中,亲眼所见很多同学找到了工作,有的是新来的同学,有的是repeat的同学,找工作这件事情真的是需要运气与实力并存啊,借楼上同学的话完全是师傅领进门,修行靠个人!最后我想说Rachel是个负责的好老师,不要去管那个评论,我们都很支持你的!
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本帖最后由 Kittycat 于 2014-5-6 09:47 编辑
MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-4-26 22:11
大家要报名的话,要注意。 没交钱之前,态度很好。交完钱后,呵呵.............. 另外,她在这里发的邮件收 ...

看到这个帖子我真是觉得莫名得搞笑:一看就知道你根本就没有Enroll更没有上过Rachel的课,所有的说辞都是模棱两可,没有一句是细节,就是在make up story,不知道这样做的居心何在?
不仅如此,Rachel在找工作的过程中也是会给予很多帮助和建议,至少我知道的就有两个女孩儿还没有上完课就找到工作了,而且其中一个女孩儿还是找的local 的 Accounting Firm,做Tax Axcountant方面的工作,记得当时她还跟我讲面试的时候问了一个BAS方面的问题,正好Rachel上课的时候讲过了,她回答得很好,更重要的是Rachel也帮她做了很好的telephone check.
... ...
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哦,对了,还有一件事情忘记说了,如果你说Rachel 交钱之前和之后态度不一样,那么Rachel在课堂上劝退一位十分想交钱上课但是又缺乏accounting背景的台湾女士是为了什么?可见你的Complain 多么不足以让人相信。
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MONEYISMONEY 发表于 2014-5-7 22:36
kittycat, 你找到工作了吗? 看你那么多时间回复。你知道的东西真多啊。 你说我“ make these stories up" ...

另:你既然觉得Rachel这不好那不好,please show your details,这样才有说服力啊。
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